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The colon isn't really used anymore. It used to be correct, but now it isn't considered grammatically correct.

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Q: What is the difference between colons and commas in salutations?
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How do you write a 50 word sentence?

It is possible but only with the utility of a range of punctuation including: colons, semi colons and commas appropriately.

Do all the chapters of the bible end with periods?

no. some end with commas and colons

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paragraphs commas semi colons emotive language varied sentences

Standard marks used in writing to separate the sentences or to make a sentence more clearer?

BOTH Answer: You are referring to punctuation marks. These include commas, colons, semi-colons, and periods.

Why are commas and semi-colons often confusing to writers?

Students forget the purposes of each. One way to remember the use of commas is to notice when you need to take a breath when reading aloud. One way to remember semi-colons is when two thoughts are related, but cannot fit in the same sentence.

What are separators in c plus plus?

Separators include commas, colons, semi-colons and white-space. Semi-colons are used to indicate the end of a code block or to separate one function from the next. Commas are used to separate function arguments, or to separate structure variables and class member initialisation lists (comma-separated lists). Colons are mainly used to signify class inheritance and the start of class initialisation segments. White-space separates a variable type from its name, but is also used to aid the readability of code.

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The commas between numbers in place value are commas.

What character is a non-alphanumeric on the keyboard?

Non-alphanumeric characters on the keyboard are those that are neither alphabetic nor numeric. Examples are commas, underscores, colons and semicolons.

Are commas used between adjectives?

Only when you are listing should you use commas between adjectives. Hope this helped :)

They are between words in a sentence?


What is the difference between an indepent clause and a depent claues?

Commas are used differently when a clause is an independent clauses or if the clause is a dependent/subordinate clauses.

When to use a semi colons in a story?

Semi-colons can be used in a story to separate two related independent clauses without using a conjunction. They can also be used to separate items in a list if the items contain commas. Additionally, semi-colons can be used to connect closely related sentences or ideas in a way that enhances the flow of the narrative.