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are producers and usually live in water ;.} {the real and true answer are producers and usually live in water ;.} {the real and true answer

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answ2. These are the blue-green algae, and these are the guys who invented photosynthesis. Which was a GOOD IDEA!

(Though their anoxic cousins didn't think so!)

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Q: What is the difference between cyanobacteria and purple and green phototrophic bacteria?
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A primary difference between cyanobacteria and purple and green phototrophic bacteria is?

electron donor for CO2 reduction

What are the differences between eubacteria and cyanobacteria?

no difference,cyanobacteria comes under eubacteria

What is the difference between the kingdom prokaryotae and the kingdom plantae?

protocista are eukaryotic organisms which are not included elsweher where as prokaryotes are things like bacteria and cyanobacteria

What can cyanobacteria do that the bacteria living in your mouth do not do?

Probably the most obvious difference between cyanobacteria and the bacteria living in your mouth is the green color of cyanobacteria, pointing to probably the most important thing they can do that human oral bacteria cannot, and that is photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria have their characteristic color because of the chlorophyll pigment which allows them to convert light energy into food. Cyanobacteria can also form long filaments and sheets, which is something mouth bacteria cannot do. Cyanobacteria also produce toxins that are deadly to humans, something that oral bacteria obviously do not do, although recent research indicates that certain oral bacteria may help in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, leading to possible heart disease, so they may be dangerous to humans (besides tooth decay) for other reasons.

Do nitrogen fixing bacteria have chloroplasts?

No bacteria have chloroplasts. Plants have chloroplasts. Chloroplasts were originally cyanobacteria -- they are the results of an endosymbiosis between a cyanobacterium and a eukaryote.

What is the Difference between cyanobacteria and eubacteria?

Cyanobacteria are a sub group of eubacteria which obtain energy through photosynthesis. Eubacteria obtain their energy by photoautotroph or chemoautotroph.

What is the difference between bacteria and living organisms?

No difference. Bacteria are living organisms.

Why is cyanobacteria bacteria not algae?

At one time cyanobacteria were called blue-green algae and were included with the algae. However, like bacteria and unlike algae, cyanobacteria are prokaryotes, meaning that they do not have a nucleus. For this reason they were removed from the algae (which are eukaryotes) and put into the bacteria, with all the other prokaryotes. See:

What is the difference between archaebacteria and cyanobacteria?

Cyanobacteria gains energy through the sun, while archaebacteria gains energy through chemosynthesis (a process in which organisms gain energy through molecules such as sulfur)

What is the difference between unicellular protoctists and a bacterium?

the difference between bacteria and protoctist is that the protoctist have a necleus while the bacteria don't.... in other words the bacteria is a prokaryotes and the protoctist is a eukaryotes

What is the difference between bacteria and bacterium?

bacteria is plural and bacterium is singular

What is the difference between cyano bacteria and bacteria?

bacterias have plasmids. but cyno-bacteria haven't plamids.