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Renegeration is the growing back of a lost part of the body of an organism. It is usually used as a method of defence. Fragmentation is the unintentional cutting up of the body of an organism which each grows into different organism. It's a mode of asexual reproduction.

For example, a lizard can intentionally leave it's tail behind and grow it back later on. But the tail cannot grow into a lizard. While growing the tail back means that it can regenerate from the point where it was cut off, the tail not growing into a lizard means that it can't fragment itself to reproduce.


A no. of animals have the ability to grow the lost organs of their body . This ability of organisms to replace their lost parts by growth is known as regeneration example- in starfish , Spiders , etc.

In organisms like planaria , hydra ,etc. small pieces of their bodies can give rise to new individuals.This process is called as fragmentation.

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11y ago

fragmentation occurs in lower form of plants while regeneration occurs in animals - lizard.

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Budding and taking cuttings are two methods used by gardeners for increasing the number of plants by propagation.

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True they are similar

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yes. some animals can regrow lost body parts. but please be more specific the next time you ask a question.

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What is the difference between inflammation and regeneration of tissue?

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Difference between internal fragmentation and external fragmentation in operating system?

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What is a difference between regeneration and budding?

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