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Government is the process by which the affairs of large groups of people are organized. Democracy is one form of government.

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Q: What is the difference between government and democracy?
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"For the real difference between democracy and oligarchy is poverty and wealth. Wherever men rule by reason of their wealth, whether they be few or many, that is an oligarchy, and when the poor rule, that is a democracy. "This is from Politics by Aristotle (Forms of Government Book III, Chapters 7-8, last paragraph).

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These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority.

What is the difference between mobocracy and democracy?

Democracy, in the sense of government "by the people" includes protection of the certain rights of the minority through procedural safeguards. In this sense, it is distinguished from "mobocracy" (or "ochlocracy") which has no such guarantees.

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Democracy is a government made up of representatives chosen by the people themselves. Meritocracy is the ideology that people get what they deserve; it is a system where people are rewarded based on ability.

What is the difference between oligarchy and democracy?

Democracy- a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. Oligarchy- a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few. Got it?(: