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simply, Hypoxia is less oxygen supply to cell tissues, while the Ischemia is less blood supply to cell issues.

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Q: What is the difference between hypoxia and ischemia?
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How do you use ischemia in a sentence?

ischemia is a result of hypoxia. hypoxia means low oxygen in the heart.

How many categories of cerebral hypoxia are there?

There are four categories of cerebral hypoxia; in order of severity they are: diffuse cerebral hypoxia (DCH), focal cerebral ischemia, cerebral infarction, and global cerebral ischemia.

What is the term for decreased blood flow?

Ischemia is the medical term for decreased blood flow. Ischemia limits the supply of oxygen to tissues.

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A fatal condition in which the heart cannot pump adequate amounts of blood to tissues and organs is known as?

A decreased supply of oxygen to tissue is known as hypoxia.

What is the difference between ischaemia and infarction?

Ischemia=decreased oxygen/nutrients Infarction=no blood flow to the area ischemia can leads to infarction. ischemia means, reduced of blood supply to specific organ. while, infarction refers to death tissue.

What is renal ischmia?

Renal ischemia /hypoxia: blood deficiency in the kidney caused by a constriction or obstruction of its blood vessels, or oxygen concentration below physiological levels.

Difference between myocardial ischemia and aortic dissection?

in myocadial ischemia, pain radiate to jaw, neck,shoulder,arm wheras in aortic dissection pain radiate to back, between scapulae there is differense between pulse rate of both arms and leg depending on ecg changes

What is the definition of ischemia?

Ischemia is a medical condition characterised by a restriction of blood into tissues which causes a shortage of glucose and oxygen needed to keep cells alive and healthy. This lack of oxygen can lead to Hypoxia and Cyanosis (blueing of the skin). There are a number of causes of Ischemia, some of which include Hypoglycemia, Atherosclerosis, Hypotension, Sickle Cell Disease, and Anemia.

What is a dangerous drop in blood flow called?

A drop in blood flow, or blood pressure, is known as hypotension. Other terms can be used to describe the specific lack of blood flow, such as "ischemia," and "hypoxia."

What is inadequate blood supply to an organ?

Deficient blood supply means not enough blood; this happens if there is a problem with the circulation, which could be caused by a blood clot inside a blood vessle, or pressure on a vessle, or a severed blood vessle, or arteriosclerosis.

Why may atheroma result in cardiovascular disease?

An arheroma is a plaque made from cholesterol. When it breaks off it forms a clot in the blood stream. If this clot clogs an artery that feeds the heart muscle, it can cause ischemia (tissue hypoxia) or infarction (tissue death).