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'everything' would be the shortest answer. The heart of the differences lies on the operating system.

The Operating System of your computer acts as a central station/hub for all your various software programs, input and output devices and alike.

File naming, transfers, command functions, etc. are all the operating system working it's magic.

Microsoft Windows an operating system.

Windows users have been critical on; as an operating system with too many security vulnerabilities/bugs.

There is no debate that Windows is the most used/common operating system visa-vie will be riskier to potential hacker/security threats.

Other critics of Windows is that uses too much system resources for no benefit. put simply, your computer is doing a lot just to have it turned on.

Apple runs an OS varying in names Leopard being one.

By reputation it is a more 'stable' operating systems. Crashes, bugs, and general speed/ease of use are the high points.

Software options are greater with Windows, 'everyone' makes their particular software to run on Windows systems. 'Some' make them for Apple.

Apple systems require less hardware requirements. 'you can do more with less' on the specs.

Apple systems are expensive via comparison, and in general are the most expensive computers in the categories they compete on.

The third contender in the Operating System war is Linux, with the software title UbuntU leading the way.

Check out lifehacker on ways to turn a microsoft windows computer into a 'hackintouch' running Apple OS.

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Runs Macintosh Software OSx Operating Sytem


Runs Windows Software OSzx Operating Systems

Better Bang For Your Buck:

Microsoft, Hewlet Packard, Windows Xp (Professional), Windows Vista (Not Recommended by me), and Windows Seven.

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