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Organic farming according to the existing rules, is farming that uses naturally produced pesticides as opposed to synthetically produced. It uses naturally produced fertilizers primarily animal feces, slaughter house by products such as dried blood, powdered hooves, bones and horns and also fish carcasses from fish packing operations. No synthetically produced fertilizer is supposed to be used.

Keep in mind that based upon the primary fertilizer source, organic produce is not safer than conventional- think E. coli and salmonella.

A farmer can be pesticide free and still use conventional fertilizer. In this case the farmer cannot be considered organic since the existing rules for organic farming only allows naturally produced fertilizer as described above.

In general it is suspect when someone is growing and selling produce as pesticide free. This is not impossible, but requires very special circumstances. Usually it is someone who thinks they are growing organically and they do not count natural pesticides as pesticides.

Certified Organic farmers use pesticides. That is a fact. They

continually deny this. The distinction they make is that they are

allowed to use natural pesticides rather than synthetic pesticides.

Example: Pyrethrum is a chemical nerve toxin extracted from African

chrysanthemums. This "natural" extract has been used as a pesticide

on food crops by both organic and conventional farmers for over a

century. The EPA listed pyrethrum as a likely carcinogen in 1999.

Pyrethrum is one of the most popular pesticides used by organic

farmers today. There is also a synthetic version of pyrethrum

available. The organic movement has cleverly used word games to

mislead the public. They claim that the natural pyrethrum is not a

pesticide because it is natural, not man made, and that the synthetic

version is a pesticide. To avoid the correct and technically accurate

term "pesticide", organic activists use terms like extracts, inputs,

materials or natural substances. Anthrax, Ricin and Strychnine are also natural substances.

Interestingly, conventional farmers must submit detailed monthly

reporting on every pesticide application they make to the department

of agriculture yet organic farmers do not. The reports require

specific application rates, locations, and concentrations used.

Growers are not allowed to vary from what the label use is. Their

purchases are reported by their suppliers so the purchases and use can

be cross referenced.

There are no reporting requirements for organic farming! That means

they are free to use any amounts of these "natural" pesticides, in any

concentration, with no one keeping track of what is going on.

There is also no requirement for pesticide residue testing on organic


Those who claim organic means no pesticides are used are either misinformed or dishonest.

Organic farming can be a bad option for the environment as well. Due to the lower yields and heavy crop losses from insect damage and weed competition, the organic farmer must use more land to produce the same amount of produce compared to conventional farmers. Organic farming is inefficient, wasteful, and takes more land away from wildlife and other environmental uses to produce the same amount of food that conventional farming does.
Organic vegetables, fruits and meat are produced without the use of hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, chemical fertilizers, germ-killing radiation or genetic modification.
1. Organic food is the best type of food for many reasons. The food does not have as many pesticides as non-organic food this means that it is less harmful for humans, plants and animals. Also two of the pesticides that are used are natural pesticides. Organic food tastes much better than non-organic foods. Organic foods use pesticides on only one crop. However Non-organic foods use pesticides on all of their crops. Organic foods are looked after much better as they have to be grown in a certain way. Also more people are employed to look after the crops and animals. The organic crops are assessed to see if they are okay to be organic; however the non-organic crops are not and are just sold without checking. Organic food is 'natural' this is because it does not include as many chemicals or pesticides. Organic food is a lot more expensive than Non-organic foods. It also does not last as long because it has not got any preservatives in them. This is bad because you would have to through the food earlier than Non- organic food. The products have to go very far before they reach the stores so this would be bad for global warming as it is creating pollution for every lorry to deliver the organic foods to the stores. Organic food is also 20% less productive than Non-organic food.
Organic food generally means that the crops used in producing the food were grown without pesticides, that the seeds that sprouted the crops were never genetically modified and the fertilizer used contains no sewage sludge. In the case of livestock (such as cows and chickens), the animals are fed organic food and are never injected with hormones. In the US, foods marked as organic usually have to meet certain standards set by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Farmers who grow food and raise livestock organically have to be very meticulous about their farming techniques and must be sure to keep detailed records in case the USDA shows up unannounced to inspect. Non-organic food on the other hand is not required to meet such standards. When differentiating between non-organic and organic food, people typically think "pesticides vs. no pesticides" or "hormones vs. no hormones."

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15y ago

There are supposed to be differences in method, orientation, and results. [1] In terms of the former, it's supposed that non-organic producers have lead hands. So their products tend to be heavy on the chemicals such as fertilizers and the 'cides. Their products also tend to be water-needy. In contrast, it's supposed that organic producers rely on biological, cultural and mechanical practices instead of the chemical solution. So they fight aphids, not chemically, but biologically with beneficial insects such as ladybugs. Any spraying uses environmentally and user friendly botanicals, oils, and soaps. So their solutions draw on pyrethrin [botanical, because it's made from chrysanthemums]. Or they draw on oils such as horticultural or neem. Or they draw on insecticidal soaps [homeowners can make their own, from detergent and water]. [2] In terms of orientation, it's supposed that non-organic producers are oriented toward high yields, organic toward high quality. [3] In terms of the last difference, it's supposed that organic products tend to be pricier. But it's also supposed that they're friendlier to the environment. For example, organic producers do such plant and soil friendly cultural practices as aerate, compost, and mulch. So their production doesn't exhaust the landscape. Instead, it replenishes it. * 've answered related question so often i dont feel like going into the whole subject again just wanted to add: people think organic=natural= envirumental= healthy. unfortunatly none of this is true. organic farming will use anything that was not produced in a factory so copper mined in a 3rd world country destroying the area is fine and niccotine which is highly poisoness is also great.

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14y ago

The organic food is the food which grown whithout using the chemical fertilizers & pesticides, only bio pesticides & bio fertilizers can be used to grow the food. the food which is grown by using the BT seed is not a organic food . in other hand the inorganic food is grown with the help of inorganic fertilizers & pesticides.

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Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate) is considered an inorganic chemical (although it contains carbon the molecule is very simple). But for food purposes it is neither nonorganic nor organic because it cannot be grown in a crop nor produced by an animal, so it is not affected by the organic food rules.

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Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate) is considered an inorganic chemical (although it contains carbon the molecule is very simple). But for food purposes it is neither nonorganic nor organic because it cannot be grown in a crop nor produced by an animal, so it is not affected by the organic food rules.

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One drawback to non-organic foods is that you may be consuming higher levels of pesticides, antibiotics or hormones, and your food may be coming from growing conditions that are not as highly regulated as organic products.

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Most of the time, organic and non organic food will have the same structure and teste. The organic food will be more expensive.

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Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Intensive farming foods may or may not be grown using synthetic fertilizers and pesiticides.

What is the texture of organic?

The texture of an organic food depends on the type of food it is. Since organic is a method of growing, the difference in organic and non-organic is that organic does not use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. The texture of the food would be the same regardless of whether it is grown organically.

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In general organic contains carbon molecules and/or those related to life. It is the chemistry of carbon containing compounds. Inorganic is everything else and generally do not contain carbon (with some exceptions).

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