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There is more of a difference then there may seem! Answer theese quick quisitons:

1. Do you know more about him/her then he/she knows you know?

2. If he/she knew evrything you know about them would they be creeped out?

3. Do you think about them 24/7?

4.Does almost everything remind you of them?

5. Do you kiss their picture 2 or more times a day?

6. When you first plan to go somwhere do you think- Will they be there? I hope so!

7.When you go somewhere they might be do you walk into the room and scan the area for him/her?

If you answered yes to 2 you may be obsessed 3 you have a higher chance of being obsesses. Remember this is only a quiz, so don't take it too seriously! You can Google "love or obsession quiz" and get many other quizes, hope I helped!

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Q: What is the difference between obsessed and in love?
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