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Answer 1. Organic means natural so they can decompose. Inorganic means not natural, these can't decompose. Answer 2. Organic means compounds (other than oxides) that contain one or more carbon atoms. It is not true that organic compounds decompose; there are many of them that don't decompose naturally. When these are discarded they pollute the environment for centuries. e.g. many alkanes, (from kerosene to candle-grease), lots of plastics, synthetic elastomers and many pesticides. It is also not true that inorganic compounds can't decompose. All the common chemical fertilisers are inorganic; if they couldn't decompose they would be no good as fertilisers.

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14y ago

Organic - the Cows/goats have been feed on products (such as grass, hay etc) which HAS NOT been sprayed with any chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides. This method of meat and milk production is much safer to the food chain and environment, as other animals who may eat any grass/hay etc will not be affected/harmed by the chemicals. Some people suggest organic milk is safer/better for humans.

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10y ago

It's arbitrary (and some chemicals are classed as both);
but in general organic contains carbon molecules and/or those related to life. It is the chemistry of carbon containing compounds.
Inorganic is everything else and generally do not contain carbon (with some exceptions).

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