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Plasmid DNA is an extra-chromosomal DNA molecule, it cannot link up with chromosomal DNA, and it contains the genetic informations that are necessary for its own replication. Episomes is any kind of extra-chromosomal DNA that can link up with chromosomal DNA. That is the main difference between them two. Episomes are usually larger than other extra-chromosomal DNA. An example of episome are the viruses, because they intergrate their genetic material into the host's chromosomal DNA.The only difference between the plasmid and the episome is the integration i-e plasmid can not integrate while episome can integrate into the genome.

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Plasmids do not usually integrate into the main genomic DNA, but transposons do.

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Q: What is the difference between plasmid and episomes?
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Orginal Plasmids are extra chromosomal genetic material present in eukaryotes and some prokaryotes.Recombinant plasmids contain a gene of intrest ie,individual gene carrying a specific function can be inserted in to a specific site on original plasmid in cell culture via transformation.So the recombinant plasmid contain both gene of intrest and native genes.

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