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Everyone is different. Women who have bloating, tender breasts, will find that they go on for longer than usual and the period will not arrive. Other women will have no symptoms of either. I used to have no pre-menstrual symptoms at all then when I became pregnant and my period was a day late my breasts became very sore and hard.

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12y ago

PMS is a catch phrase for the bloating, headache, light sensitivity, achiness that can accompany a surge of hormones as the menses onsets. It usually lasts the first 24 hours of the cycle and then eases up. Usually it occurs EVERY month. In contrast, Pregnancy symptoms start ten days after intercourse and build for nine months. During the fir month, you will gradually feel bloating, cravings, aroung the 30-60 days area, vomitting usually at the same time every day. Most women can not tell they are pregnant until they are almost two months and have missed their cycle at least once. A pregnancy urine test is not valid until they are ten days after intercourse. Good luck.

Unfortunately they are both very similar! The only real way of knowing is waiting to see if you get your period, and if you don't, taking a pregnancy test. Often, pregnancy symptoms are more severe than pms.

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14y ago

Pregnancy symptoms include * missed period, * nausea with or without vomiting, * tiredness, * dizziness, * breast changes and breast tenderness, and * frequent urination. Feelings of sickness (nausea) affect the majority of women during pregnancy, particularly during the first three to four months. Tiredness may be more pronounced during the first and third trimesters. Period symptoms include * headaches, * bloating, * irritability, * backaches, * feeling depressed, * a general feeling of being upset or emotional, * difficulty sleeping, * difficulty concentrating, * breast tenderness, and * some weight gain (up to 1kg) Some of the symptoms are the same, but some are different.

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Q: What is the difference between PMS and pregnancy symptoms?
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How would you know if its pregnancy and not PMS?

They are very similar, however not all woman have either of them. Biggest way to tell them apart? PMS happen before a period is do, PMS - pre menstrual symptoms, and pregnancy symptoms usually do not start till a woman is around three months pregnant. That would be well two to three months after the first missed period.

Are acne sore breasts lethargy and moodiness symptoms or pregnancy?

yes, it can also be PMS

Is there any way to tell the difference between PMS and pregnancy signs?

there is no difference until you do a HMT and then you will probably notice the difference, it may not be any hep, but im just saying that you will not know until you know if you are pregnant or not...

Lower abdominal pains and lower back cramping - signs of early pregnancy?

Could be - take a test if your period doesn't arrive. It could just be PMS symptoms

Can you cramp in early pregnancy symptoms?

Absolutely yes. My first pregnancy symptoms were indistinguishable from my normal PMS symptoms: cramps, sore breasts, fatigue. In fact, it's why I never considered I might be pregnant until my period was over a week late. This lasted throughout the early pregnancy.

When first pregnant can you still get period like symptoms?

That feeling that menstruation is about to happen is very common. Most of the symptoms of early pregnancy are very much like PMS.

If you have PMS does that mean you have to have your period My period is 1 day late and i had PMS but does having PMS mean that i cant be pregnant?

Early pregnancy symptoms can mimic PMS, including fatigue, mood changes and breast tenderness. Cramping can accopany implantation of the embryo. Feeling these things does not necessarily mean that you are going to have a period. Wait for your period, or buy some early accuracy home pregnancy tests.

Can a girl have he PMS and be pregnant?

You can have symptoms that are similar to PMS and still be pregnant.

Is a lack of your normal PMS symptoms a sign of pregnancy?

Possibly, but I wouldn't use that as the only symptom. Take a test or go see a doctor to be sure. In my experience, yes. I wasn't as crabby, although had the usual fatigue. Also my breasts didnt get lumpy like they usually do, just a little sore.

Is having the worst PMS ever a possible sign of pregnancy?

Yes, PMS can also be a sign of pregnancy providing you haven't got your period. Do a pregnancy test.