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Those two words are synonymous. They are used interchangeably in the literature. In some cases a survey might relate to a questionnaire that is distributed by different modes (paper, telephone, internet) whereas a questionnaire might refer primarily to the paper mode. It isn't always the case however.
A survey is the process of describing some aspect of a population based on a sample. A questionnaire is an instrument used to delve more deeply into the data.

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A questionnaire is one of many ways through which a survey can be conducted. A survey can also take the form of a telephone or face to face interview. In some situations the target population is inanimate or otherwise unable to communicate and a survey is simply a way by which the investigator collects information. For example, if you wanted to do a survey of the trees in a park, you would not ask the trees(!) but could simply divide the park into sectors, and count the number of species of different trees in a sample of sectors.

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What are the list of questions called on a survey?


What is a cross sectionl survey?

It is a survey using a questionnaire (usually with multiple answers, using tick boxes) taken from the general public.

What are the questionaires of Maslow pyramid survey?

I think the questionnaire was based on the basic need, safety need. and on self actualization .............. but i dont know that what was the exact questionnaire.........

What is a survey questionnaire?

A survey is a form with several questions on it to be answered by the general public. It is used mainly to collect information or feedback about customers or a product.

What is questionnaire survey?

A survey is a form with several questions on it to be answered by the general public. It is used mainly to collect information or feedback about customers or a product.