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A personal problem is one that only effects that individual person (like Sue's husband, Jack's son-in-law, Nancy's relationship with her daughter, etc.). A social problem is one that effects others as well or a problem that many other people also share, such as, "what's a polite way to say "no" to volunteering for another fund-raiser", "how to tell someone they have bad breath", "how to get along with your boss", "how to tell your girlfriend that her husband is hitting on her", etc.

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A social problem is a negative perception of personal lives within a community. A social issue relates to a social problem but on a larger scale going beyond the community relating to a society as a whole.

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A personal issue is one that concerns a person, such as not having enough money or eating too much. A social issue is one that pertains to society in general, such as crime or the availability of resources.

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Q: What is the difference between social problem and social issue?
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What is the difference between Northerners and Southerners over the issue of slavery is an example?


Which is an issue that is debated by modern day sociologist?

The appropriate balance between observing social injustice and seeking social justice

What is social issue?

social issue is the undesirable behaviours that affect a large number of people

What does social basis mean?

The structure, the foundation of any social issue.

What is the difference between crosscutting and overlapping social differences?

OVERLAPPING DIFFERENCES:1. When some social difference overlaps with other difference.2. Situations of this kind produce social divisions, when one kind of social difference becomes more important than the other and people start feeling that they belong to different communities.3. Example-a)difference between Black & White in the US becomes a social division because they tend to be poor & landless, and often face injustice & discrimination.b) In our country Dalits tend to be poor & landless and often face injustice & discrimination.4. Overlapping differences create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions.CROSS-CUTTING DIFFERENCES:1.If social differences cross-cut one another, it is difficult to pit group of people against the other.2. It means that group that share a common interest on the issue are likely to be on different sides on a different issue.3. Example -Northern Ireland & Netherlands both are predominantly Christians but divided between Catholics & Protestants. In Northern Ireland class & religion overlap each other, if catholic one tend to be poor & have suffered discrimination where as in Netherland, class & religion tend to cross-cut each other and both are equally likely to be rich or poor. It means they have conflict in Northern Ireland and it is not so in Netherlands.4. Cross-cut social differences are easier to accommodate.

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What is the difference between a problem and issue?

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Bug : problem found during Testing Cycle is called as 'Bug' Issue : Problem found by user in Production Environment is called as 'Issue'

When do social problems exist?

A social problem exists when there is a social norm that is defined as problematic by a large institution or authority. A social problem may also exist when there is a common issue in society and the PUBLIC defines it as a social problem. There may be a problematic issue in society but it is not considered a social problem unless a authority or the public defines and recognizes it as so. Also a social problem exists only when a issue affects a large amount of people.

What is the difference between an issue and concern?

the problems that are created ata time its called issue and also its say that the person who create the problem its called him a concern..

What is the difference between topic and issue?

According to IrishFlukey on reddit, an Issue has a slight connotation of there being a problem. A topic could be for general discussion, whereas an Issue is something that there may be a difficulty about that needs to be resolved.

What is the difference between the risk and issue?

Risk is a future event that may have an impact on triple constraint (Budget, scope and schedule). An issue is present problem or concern influencing triple constraints. A risk can become an issue, but issue is not risk - it has already happened.

What makes a problem a problem?

Any environmental, social, economic, or political issue can have an impact to the rest of the world, hence, the "global problem".

Difference between issue and problem?

A problem is something that arises and causes disruptions to the norm. It usually occurs once in a while and can be a big issue or it can happen all of the time and be not a big deal on the daily operations. Usually when it is something small but occurs all the time it is accepted and doesn't cause much on an interruption. When it is a large one time event it is usually dealt with immediately because it throws off the daily routine and usually effects many areas. there is difference between an issue and a problem

What is the difference between a macro a micro issue in economics for the Red Cross needs blood desperately?

the difference between a macro and a micro issue is that a macro issue is something that is a big issue and a micro issue is a small issue like a big issue is something that you need alot and a micro issue is something that you don't need alot.

What is the difference between an issue and a problem?

the difference is a problem can be solve while an issue will continue to become an issue when answered.. Oscar :-) an issue is something that takes more time to fix, but is really just an annoyance because you know a solution as soon as you find the issue. A problem is when you uncover a potential issue, and you don't know how to fix it. A problem is something that has a clear answer. A issue is something that causes debate and divides people. Example: They are similar because both problems and issues cause debate, concern, and conflict. Some issues can be broken into smaller problems that can be solved by asking questions that can be answered easily. Problems typically can be solved by asking, how can something be solved. If it can be answered then the problem is solved. If the problem cannot be answered easily and people are divided over the problem then it becomes an issue . A good example of a problem is that people who drive drunk cause accidents. An example of an issue is lowering the drinking age to 18. This cannot be solved with an easy answer. Is a teenager as responsible or mature as an adult? Some will argue they are and others will argue they are not. Should a law be passed that allows 18 year old kids the right to hang out in bars with people twice or triple their age? Is this a safe situation that should be allowed? None of these questions are easy to answer, the issue needs to be narrowed down so that each specific question can be answered, discussed, and made manageable. A health problem might be an illness; a health issue might be something like banning tobacco or shutting down factories that pollute the air.

What is the difference between a factual and non-factual issue?

nonfactual issue are based on certain established thruth

What is the difference between rights issue and public issue?

There is a small difference between rights and public issues is simple. Rights involve the individual or small group and public generally involves the whole.