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The Oh negative blood group is the same as the Bombay blood group. The Oh negative group should not be confused with the type O blood group. The Bombay blood group is very rare and results from two recessive H alleles (hh). This means that they cannot produce the "H" antigen, and as a result, they can't produce "A" or "B" antigen on their red blood cells. They can give blood to individuals of any other blood type but can only receive blood from other Bombay blood type individuals.

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Q: What is the difference between the Bombay blood group and the o negative group?
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Is o negative and Bombay o negative same?

O negative and Bombay O negative are the same. The O negatives are able to give their donations to the other negative blood groups, however, they are unable to receive anything other then the Bombay blood groups and the O negative bloods.

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