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Q: What is the difference between the informal group and an organisation?
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What are the differences between informal group and informal organisation?

Difference between a group and an organization need to be sorted out first. An organization consists of two or more people expending systematic effort towards some common goals which produce goods or services. Whereas a group of people consists of two or more individuals coming together for pursuit of a common concern such as common interest or friendship. Informal organizations normally emerge within or against a formal organization and the members of the informal organization may be driven by a common goal that may compliment or work against the goals of the formal organization. An informal group is a group of people casually acquainted with each other for their own personal fulfillment because they have some common characteristics and concerns (interests/hobbies/friendship). The members of the 'grapevine' often found within a formal organization can also be called an informal group. Whilst it is easy to differentiate between a formal group and a formal organization, the differences between informal group and informal organization tend to be blurred.

What is the difference between formal groups and informal groups?

Formal groups have a stated , common purpose . They generally have a group leader , or each member takes a turn at leading the group.

Identify two formal group to which young people belong?

what the difference between formal and informal group A group is "a collection of one or more interacting individuals who maintain stable patterns of relationships, share common goals and perceive themselves as being a group There are two types of groups formal and informal. Formal groups are created by the organisation and are intentionally designed to direct members. Informal groups develop naturally amongst organisations personnel without any direction from the management.

Difference between a chairman and managing director?

Chairman is a head of a group of company's. but the Managing director is a head of a single organisation.

Two characteristic of an informal group?

Following are the main characteristics of informal organisation: (1) Based on Formal Organisation: (2) It Has No Written Rules and Procedures: (3) Independent Channels of Communication: (4) It is not deliberately created: (5) It Has No Place on Organisation Chart: (6) It is Personal: (7) It Lacks Stability:

Explain the difference between formal and informal group?

Informal groups are not made by the management but get made on their own inside an organization because of constant interaction between members. Formal groups are groups with roles and responsibilities for those within, such as a church.

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Deferentiate between hospital and industrial organisations

Similarities between formal and informal organization?

I have not answer, I have question about what is similarity between formal informal organisation?

What is the difference between formal and informal curriculum?

The formal curriculum is planned by a specific group of people to meet required and necessary needs. The informal curriculum is not planned, it's randomly done.

What is internal discord?

Disagreement between people within a group/organisation.

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Difference between chain banking group banking?

What is an informal work group?

an association of individuals (beloging to a work group in an organisation) that is beyond formal structure and mainly for sharing views, knowledge. The structure is unorganised but the members have common intrests, attitude.