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Kelvin uses the absolute absence of heat as zero, meaning that you cant get any colder than zero Kelvin. and Celsius or Centigrade uses the point at which water freezes as zero. == Kelvin is the temperature scale devised and used to measure temperature from the melting point of ice (0 deg Celsius) down to absolute zero, the total absence of heat. Celsius and Fahrenheit are mainly used to measure temperatures from the melting point of ice and up. Zero Kelvin is equal to −273.15 deg Celsius and -459.67 deg Fahrenheit. When Fahrenheit invented his 212 degree temperature scale it was thought that the absolute zero temperature was just 32 degrees of the scale below the melting point of ice. It later transpired that the absolute zero point was much lower, 427.67 deg Fahrenheit lower. The Celsius scale equally divides the temperature range between the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water into 100 equal parts. 0 deg Celsius is equal to 273.15 Kelvins and 32 deg Fahrenheit. The boiling point of water is 100 deg Celsius which is also 373.15 Kelvins and 212 deg Fahrenheit. The SI units are Kelvin and Celsius. Fahrenheit is becoming obsolete in the international arena.

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14y ago
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14y ago

The Kelvin scale is based on absolute zero and has the same degree intervals as the Celsius scale. The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales have reference points based on the freezing and boiling points of water. Freezing point of water = 273.15 °K / 0 °C / 32 °F Boiling Point of water = 373.15 °K / 100 °C / 212 °F (see question on converting in related questions below)

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14y ago

The freezing point of water is nominally 0°C, 32°F, and 273.15°K The boiling point of water is nominally 100°C, 212°F, and 373.15°K Absolute Zero is -273.15°C, -459.7°F, and 0°K The Fahrenheit scale is based on 100 increments between the freezing temperature of sea water (0°F) and the approximate normal temperature of the human body(100°F). The Celsius (or centigrade) scale is based on 100 increments between the freezing point of fresh water(0°C) and the boiling point of fresh water (100°C). The Kelvin scale is based on 0°K being absolute zero. Using 100 increments between the freezing and boiling points of fresh water, it was found that the freezing point of water is 273.15° above absolute zero and the boiling point of water is 100° higher at 373.15°K.

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8y ago

Fahrenheit and Celsius are temperature scales based on the freezing point and boiling point of water designed by two different scientists.

The Fahrenheit scale was based on a reading of 32 degrees for freezing and 212 degrees for boiling.

The Celsius scale (or Centigrade scale) is based on the Freezing Point being 0 degrees and the Boiling Point being 100 degrees.

The Kelvin scale measures absolute temperature using the Celsius units. Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius and is the lowest possible temperature. The Freezing Point of water is thus 273.15 and the Boiling Point 373.15 degrees on the Kelvin Scale.

Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin:They do exactly the same thing. They measure or rather describe Temperature. Fahrenheit and Celsius uses degrees, where as Kelvin is an absolute with no "degrees" added to it.

It is fairly easy to translate between them.

Fahrenheit to Celsius: C=(F-32)*5/9

Celsius to Fahrenheit: F=C*9/5+32

Celsius to Kelvin : K=C-273,16

Kelvin to Celsius : C=K+273,16

Fahrenheit to Kelvin: K=(F-460)*5/9

Kelvin to Fahrenheit: F=K*9/5+460


Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, or Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (born 24. May 1686, Danzig, dead 16. September 1736, Haag) German physicist and instrument maker. Fahrenheit (F) is named after him. This temperature unit was for a long time used in Germany and is still used in USA.

On this scale water freezes at 32°F (degrees Fahrenheit), and water boils at 212°F. There are various theories as to how Fahrenheit started the scale. One of them is that 0°F (−17,8°C) is the lowest possible temperature one can get using salt and crushed ice. and 100°F (37,8°C) is just above body temperature in humans, (37°C). It might have been his own body temperature when he was working.

Celsius is by today the most used temperature scale in the world today. It is also commonly used in scientific work and is allowed side by side with the Sl unit Kelvin.

The Swedish scientist Anders Celsius (1701-44), made his own method of measuring temperature in 1742. He used water and started by saying 0 (zero) degrees was when water boiled. He then made it so that 100 degrees was where water actually melted. This was all under normal pressure down at sea level. Carl von Linné named this scale after Celsius in 1947 and at the same time he switched the boundaries around so that melting point of Ice was 0 (zero) and boiling point became 100 °C.

Kelvin is an Sl unit of measuring temperature. It was named after William Thomson (Lord Kelvin). His name Kelvin comes from a river named Kelvin that runs through Glasgow. Unlike other scales, this unit has its point of beginning at absolute Zero, where all molecular activities halts. Kelvin is very closely related to Celsius. If one add one degree Celsius, one also add one degree Kelvin. They are a match 100% except that Kelvin starts at 0 and has no negative values. Celsius starts at 0 and has got both negative and positive values. Celcius-273,16 equals Zero Kelvin.

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13y ago

The Kelvin temperature scale is based on real world conditions while the other two scales are imposed on reality by man. We have almost reached the absolute zero of Kelvin, -273.15 c Celsius with instrumentation. At this extreme lack of heat all atomic/molecular activity stops; which is the definition of absolute 0 and the definition of cold.

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11y ago

0 Degrees Celsius is -273.15 Kelvin so add your Degrees Celsius to the -273.15 to get your answer in Kelvin or subtract if its a negative temperature.

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9y ago

To convert from Celsius (C) to Kelvin (K): K = C + 273.15

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9y ago

Kelvin and celsius are used to measure temperature. Both of them differ in value.

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3y ago

bru im asking yall

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Q: What is the difference between temperature scales in Kelvin and Celsius?
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Degrees Kelvin in 1 degree Celsius?

There is 1 Kelvin for every 1 degree Celsius.A temperature difference of 100 degrees Celsius is a temperature difference of 100 Kelvin.

How does a temperature change of one kelvin compare to a change of 1 Celsius?

They are the same; the kelvin scale is designed so the difference between degrees is the same as the celsius scale.

If the difference of temperature between a and b is 5 degrees centigrade what is the difference on the kelvin scale?

Kelvin is the SI unit for temperature. Celsius is usually used in metric systems. 0 degree celsius is 273.15 Kelvin. Kelvin increases equally with celsius. So to convert celsius to kelvin, we just add 273.15 to celsius. The answer in Kelvin is 278.15

Specify the difference between kelvin and celsius?

specify the differnc beteen kelvin and celsius

At what temperature do the Celsius and Kelvin scales have the same numerical value?

At any point in the Celsius scale, the difference between degrees Celsius and degrees Kelvin is 273.15. At no point do the two scales cross.

What is kelvin's exact value?

The Kelvin is the international unit of temperature. Zero kelvin is the lowest possible temperature (approximately minus 273 degrees Celsius), and a difference of 1 Kelvin is the same as a difference of 1 degree Celsius. Thus, for example, 273 Kelvin = 0 degrees Celsius, while 373 Kelvin = 100 degrees Celsius.

If a sample is heated and rises in temperature by 12 degree celsius what is this temperature difference in kelvin?

The difference is also 12 degrees.

What is equivalent to a kelvin?

1 Kelvin = 1/100 of the temperature difference between the freezing and boiling points of water. One Kelvin is the same thing as one Celsius degree.

A temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the?

Kelvin Scale

What do you mean by 1 degree celsius of rise in temperature equal to 1 kelvin of rise in temperature of a substance?

1 kelvin and 1 celsius degree are both exactly the same thing ... a unit of temperature, equal to 1/100 of the difference between the freezing and boiling points of water. The only difference between the Kelvin scale and the Celsius scale is that they start from different temperatures ... the Celsius number starts from the freezing point of water, whereas the Kelvin scale starts from 'absolute zero'. So the Kelvin temperature will always be 273.15 more than the Celsius temperature ... because it starts at 273.15 lower. But when the temperature changes by some number of Celsius degrees, it changes by exactly the same number of Kelvins, because 1 Kelvin is exactly the same size as 1 Celsius degree.

What scale is the same as the celsius scale?

Kelvin. Both Celsius and Kelvin are measurements of temperature in the metric system, and both have the same size of degree. The only difference between them is that Kelvin has been shifted down the scale so that 0 degrees Kelvin is absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature.

Is celsius temperature larger then kelvin temperature?

No the Kelvin temperature is higher. The conversion for Kelvin to Celsius is K=c+273.15.