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If I am not mistaken, rationale of a thesis refers to the reasons why there is a need to conduct the study while the abstract is the summary of your study. the abstract includes the following: the goal of the study, the participants/respondents, the method or how you gathered the data and the result of the study. :)

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Md Athiq

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1y ago

The rationale of a thesis and an abstract for a thesis are two different parts of a thesis that serve different purposes.

The rationale of a thesis is a section that provides the background and context for the research problem. It explains why the research is important and relevant, and what gap in the existing literature the research aims to fill. The rationale also outlines the objectives and research questions of the study, and explains how the research will contribute to the field of study. It is usually located in the introduction of the thesis and it serves as the foundation for the rest of the thesis.

On the other hand, an abstract is a summary of the main points of the thesis. It provides a brief overview of the research problem, the methods used, the results obtained, and the main conclusions or implications of the study. It is typically located at the beginning of the thesis, after the title page, and it serves as a brief summary of the entire thesis. The abstract is usually around 150-250 words and it is a standalone summary, independent of the rest of the thesis.

In summary, the rationale of a thesis explains why the research is important and relevant, and provides the background and context for the research problem. The abstract, on the other hand, is a brief summary of the main points of the thesis that provides an overview of the research problem, methods, results, and conclusions. The rationale provides the foundation for the rest of the thesis, while the abstract serves as a brief summary of the entire thesis.

For more help related to thesis or academic writing, you can reach us out through : contact@qodeit(dot)com

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