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The bivalents are homologous chromosome containing a total of two chromosomes. On the other hand, tetrad is the homologous pair of chromosomes containing four chromosome.

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Q: What is the differences between bivalent and tetrad?
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Another name for a tetrad also?

bivalent is another name for tetrad

What is the meaning chiasmata and crossing over?

Crossing over:is a process of (breakage) and (exchange) of parts between two homologous chromatids .Each bivalent (a pair of same chromosomes ) is called a tetrad . Along the length of each bivalent one or more X shaped connections between (non-sister chromatids ) are found ;these CHIASMATA are places where crossing overs have occurred .I hope that's helped .ZIZO-Saudi Arabia

A group of four chromatids?

Tetrad (found answer in my 9th grade Biology textbook)

Paired chromosomes consisting of four chromatids are referred to as?

This group, surprisingly enough for a biological named structure, is called a tetrad.

Is a mule a tetrad?

No a mule is not a tetrad, this is due to the fact that the mule has 63 chromosomes. Mules are a hybrid between the horse and the donkey, and are unable to reproduce due to the uneven number of chromosomes.

What is a chiasmata?

it is the part on the homologous chromosome that holds the two together once they have crossed over. the point where two homologous non-sister chromatids exchange genetic material during chromosomal crossover during meiosis

What is a bivalent compound in chemistry?

A bivalent chemical element has the valence 2 as calcium for ex.

Differences between metaphase 1 and metaphase 2?

1. In metaphase 1 spindle formation is completed In metaphase 2 spindle formation take place 2. Bivalent are involved in metaphase 1 Bivalents are not involved in metsphase 2

What does the term TETRAD stand for?

The term Tetrad means a group of four. It can be used in any context when talking about something that has a collective of four such as a tetrad of cats.

What is the meaning of the word tetrad which is from the Greek word tetra?

the word tetrad means four

How does a tetrad result in genetic shuffling?

Reshufling takes place in tetrad during prophase I of meiosis .