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A Soft Rot of Onion Caused by the Yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus var.

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Q: What is the disease caused by yeast?
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Can you get a disease from yeast?

No. Yeast infections in people are caused by a completely different organizm from the yeast used in food.

What common human skin disease is caused by imperfect fungi?

yeast infections and ringworm also athletes foot

When can microorganisms be harmful?

Almost every disease is caused by a microbe. Bacteria, viruses, amoeba, yeast plus many more.

Can you have a yeast infection if you are a virgin?

Yes, vaginal yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted disease and can be caused by many things from scratching your vagina with a tampon, to wearing non-cotton underwear.

Is monistat an antibiotic?

No. Monistat is an antifungal specifically for treatment of a yeast infection. A yeast infection is not caused by bacteria, but is caused by a buildup of yeast in your body.

Can you have a urinary tract infection and a yeast infection at the same time?

Yes, you can, because the UTI is caused by a bacteria, and the yeast infection is caused by a strain of yeast.

Is a yeast infection a virus?

Yeast infection is caused by fungi, not by a virus.

Can a man catch yeast from a man?

Yeast is what makes bread rise. It is not a disease.

Which disease is not caused by bacteria?

Bacterial and fungal diseases are among the many disease categories which are not the result of a virus. A bacterial disease, for instance, would be strep pneumonia. A fungal disease would be a yeast infection, for instance.

Does yeast cause malaria?

Yeast does not causes malaria. Malaria is caused by protozoa.

Is yeast a disease?

Not that I know of. Yeast is a kind of food that makes bread rise! Emma

What disease is caused by bacillus?

tetanis is the disease caused by bacillus