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benadryl is a medicine prescribed for humans. If your dog has a cough you need to got to a qualified veterinarian that will prescribe antibiotics & an animal prescribed cough medicine genius.

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75 mg for hot spots on a large dog will keep them quiet and hopefully heal. Watch your pup closely when giving any med that they have had before.

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Q: What is the dosage for Benadryl in dogs?
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How long can you continue to give my dog benadryl?

You should follow the same instructions for administration and dosage amounts that the box recommends for humans. Benadryl is completely safe to use on dogs.

Can Benadryl be used to treat nasal allergies in a dog?

Yes; Benadryl can be used for dog allergies. You should check with your veterinarian as to the correct dosage since it is based on the dogs weight.

What about using Benadryl for greyhound dogs?

Contact your vet to ask about dosage. My beagle is 25 lbs and is currently taking 25mg because she likes to eat bees. Someday she will learn.

How do i figure the dosage of Benadryl and claritinto give to dogsfor itching?

For benadryl the dosage is 1mg per pound in mild cases, if there is a severe reaction such as swelling after vaccination you can use 2mg per pound.

Maximum benadryl dosage for insomnia when 4 doesn't work?

Benadryl is not a sleeping aid and should never be taken as a sleeping aid.

Do you give the adult Benadryl or children's Benadryl to dogs?

You can give 0.5-1mg of benadryl per pound

Does weight affect vaccine dosage in dogs?

No it does not. The same dosage is given to large as to small dogs.

Does Benadryl help for seizures in dogs?

While Benadryl or diphenhydramine can be used safely for dogs, if proper dosage is carefully applied, diphenhydramine is not an anticonvulsant, and as such will likely not work for this application. In short, not deadly; not effective either.

How much benadryl should you give your 20 lbs dog?

You should ask a veterinarian. They will tell you the proper form of benadryl, and the dosage depending on the animal's size.

How many mg in benadryl allergy tab?

Benadryl tablets usually contain 25mg of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, though the dosage should be on the back of the bottle.

What is the common dosage of Children's liquid Benadryl when given to an itchy dog?

Funny thing, i just called my vet this a.m. to ask that very question. My LuLu weighs 10 lbs. and the vet's instructions were 1/2 the children's benadryl tablet. We have such a hard time getting her to take it. So I called to ask the vet this morning about dosage of the liquid form.....he said 1/2 of the dosage stated for children. I'll be getting the liquid form today. We all love our dogs, don't we! Good Luck.

Can you overdose dogs on Benadryl?

Yes, a dog can overdose on Benadryl, and it doesn't take as much as you might think.