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The pregnancy itself does not start showing until around 3 months, but many women have constipation and/or gas which bloats the tummy and makes you look bigger.

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Q: What is the earliest in pregnancy to start getting bigger?
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When does your stomach start to get bigger?

during pregnancy

How early do you get tender breast in pregnancy?

Breast tenderness is often the earliest sign of pregnancy and can start shortly after implantation.

How early can pregnancy symptoms start in women under 18?

The same as for anybody else! 2 weeks after sex is the earliest pregnancy symptoms would appear. However, for most people they do not start getting symptoms until 4-6 weeks after sex.

How early does constipation occur in pregnancy?

wondring my self aswell can be the earliest sign of pregnancy.can start as early as two weeks thru pregnancy

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There is no way to achieve that; better start getting accustomed to what you have.

How early do you no you could be pregnant?

Two weeks after sex is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test. It is also the earliest pregnancy symptoms would begin to start. However, it is recommended to leave it 3-4 weeks after sex before taking a test, just to make sure the result is reliable.

At which month does your belly start to get harder and does it start getting bigger and harder under your belly button?

Hi, During your pregnancy your tummy usually becomes harder during the 3rd month of pregnancy but it can be earlier in some women if its their second pregnancy. If this is your second pregnancy, you usually show earlier than you did with your first and some first pregnancies are late showing. This is normal. Yes your tummy can become harder underneath your belly button but it really depends on what position the fetus is in.

If you are underweight when do you think you would start showing?

Your breasts may be tender ( hence a little bigger) but in reality the pregnancy is probably a liitle bigger then the punctuation at the end of this sentence. You start to "show " usually in the second trimester.

How soon can you tell you are pregnant without a pregnancy test?

As soon as you start getting your nausea feeling in the mornings.

But how soon can you start noticing you pregnant?

When you dont get ur period & when ur stomach is getting bigger !

How do you be an actrees?

You usually have to start out small by trying out or getting audditions in small shows or comercials and then working your way up to getting bigger roles in movies

Getting a large amount of discharge does that mean im going to start mnstuation soon?

Not necessarily. Are you anticipating possible pregnancy?