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loads of people say dunk your hands in coldwater for like 2min or sit on your hands for 2 min but 1. it doesnt last long and 2. the sitting on the hands doesnt work for me.

I found lying on your side with your fore arm underneath you on a hard floor was more effective than the others.




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14y ago

Id go with ice water.

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Q: How do you numb your hands quickly?
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That's odd !! Both hands should become numb.

Make your hand go numb?

put hands in cold water

What happens if you put cold hands into hot water?

It gets numb.

Why does your hands go numb?

i really do not know, i was hoping you was going to tell me ...poor circulation

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Hands may fall asleep because of awkward positioning. Nerves may become compressed, which leads to the hands feeling numb and tingly.

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This usually indicates that a person is lying on his hands. After a while, the reduced blood flowing to the hands makes them feel numb.

Why do hands go numb?

many reasons, can't tell unless you know exactly what you have been doing that would cause your hands to go numb and what temperature you live in, because if it's super cold where you live, and the circulation could be cut off also

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