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Although I am not in any way trying to lecture anyone, nor trying to direct anybody as in what they would like to choose to do, because I stand firm with the belief that people need to go through life learning as they go.

I believe that we all must live with each choice that we make. Thus, hopefully, learning after such mistakes or bad choices and not making the same error have the similar circumstance present itself over you walk in life.

After said person starts making less errors, and walking more of a straight and narrow pathway, they start to see that this world revolves as a circle...quite literally.

What you put out is what you will receive. As in, if all you do is give off negative energy, that is all you will ever receive. There is a way to break the cycle, but unfortunately that is not exactly what the question is...but just for kicks I'll let everybody in: you just have to believe in yourself...anything,...a long as you believe..that is a start, and you only go up from there. Everything you do matters to somebody even if you do not think it does. I promise you that.

Anyway, back to the question...

30mg Adderall is the strongest dose they make of that particular pill. It comes in 2 forms.1.)amphetamine salts and 2.) amphetamine XR. The difference between the two are the salts will hit you hard and fast and will wear off quicker, and the XR is extended release, it will not hit you as fast, but will last about 8 hours and is like a roller coaster of ups and downs.

If you have taken them before you need more to get you high. An instant high, that will get you through the roof, is to open the XR pills and dump the contents into your mouth (on your tongue, then wash it down with a 5hr energy, or a similar energy drink, but not a red bull or one of those bigger cans like monster, its gotta be the little ones that have the fast dose and rush in them.) You can get them at your local convenience store or gastation for about 3 bucks.

You can take it this way to get the rapid effect and higher than high with the salts too, but you have to be careful, because I've seen alot of people drop down and have seizures taking it this way. NO JOKE!

The effect of actually injecting the pill is Sucks. You can't as far as I know inject the XR's and as for the the salts... it is a long and tedious process to get them broken down to fit in a syringe, and when you do inject them your only high for about 10 minutes to a half hour, I mean, you get a small rush, but it's more like you think your getting a rush because you just shot up something and your hoping to god you didn't just waste a whole pill and your high for longer than actually a half hour but when you do what I described about, your completely 100% more high and for hours longer, idk to me it's a waste, and thats coming from someone who used to want to find a way to inject asprin and get high.

I only hope who ever is reading this can take my advice in what I wrote because it didn't come out of a book, I LIVED IT! I'm not perfect, I never will be, I always think about getting high, probably always will..

I don't go to aa or na, I'm not like those people, I don't go to church, I have found my own path that works for me. I don't down anyone who uses cause that could be me in a second put it in front of me!

I just make sure I'm never near it, I know I'm going to be tested one day and I only hope that some kind of God steps in and saves me because I know i won't be saving myself, and thats the whole truth!

Anyway, If your going to do it, be responsible, at least think about other people, the people your with...or the people that care about you none the less. that's about all I have to say I've gone on long enough, I think you can handle it from here...GOOD LUCK!

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Q: What is the effect of injecting adderall 30 mg?
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How Much Does Adderall 30 Mg Cost On The Streets?

How Much Does Adderall 30 Mg Cost On The Streets? Adderall is a prescription medication for the management of narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is a central nervous system stimulant that affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and inattention. Visit Here - - AdderallWikiCom Now You Can Order Adderall 10mg online overnight to get your ADHD treated at very low prices and with free delivery. Don't believe it! Just visit this website and get lots of offers and discounts, that too instantly. Hurry Up! Offer for a limited time period. Enjoy the Best Christmas Deals!!!! What is Adderall? Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. The active ingredient in Adderall is an amphetamine, which affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control. Adderall is a Schedule II controlled substance because it has a high potential for abuse and dependence. What are the effects of Adderall? Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant. It is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It works by increasing the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. Common side effects of Adderall include: · Nervousness · Restlessness · Insomnia · Headache · Dry mouth · Appetite loss How much does Adderall 30mg cost on the streets? Adderall 30mg tablets typically cost between $5 and $10 each on the street. The price can vary depending on the dealer and the quantity purchased. Some people may be able to negotiate a lower price if they are buying a large quantity or if they are regular customers. Alternatives to Adderall, other drugs you could be taking If you are looking for alternatives to Adderall, there are a few other drugs you could be taking. These include: -Ritalin -Vyvanse -Concerta Each of these drugs has its own set of benefits and side effects, so be sure to speak with your doctor before making any decisions. Conclusion In conclusion, the Adderall 30 mg price on the street can vary depending on the city and state you live in. However, it is typically around $5 per pill. The cost of Adderall 30 mg can also be influenced by whether you buy it in bulk or not. If you are considering purchasing Adderall 30 mg, be sure to research the current prices in your area to make sure you are getting a fair deal. the street value of Adderall street value 30mg Adderall street value for Adderall Adderall wiki Adderall street value 30 mg Adderall street price Adderall 30 mg street price Adderall XR 30 mg street price Adderall street price Adderall XR street price the street value of 10 mg of Adderall street price of Adderall 10mg Adderall street price 20 mg Adderall street value Adderall 20mg street price Adderall street cost Adderall 30 mg street value the street value of 20 mg of Adderall whats the street value of Adderall what is the street value of Adderall buy oxycontin 80mg of online Adderall XR 20 mg street price Adderall street prices buy Adderall 10mg online street value 20mg Adderall the street value of Adderall 10mg 10mg Adderall street value the street value of Adderall 20mg Adderall 10mg street price 20 mg Adderall street price Adderall 30mg street price Adderall street value 10 mg Adderall street value1 Adderall XR street value Adderal street price

Is it bad to take adderall 30 mg and ox 30mg together?

No, it is not bad. You will enjoy the time of your life.

What happens when you take thirteen adderall xr 30 mg?

You'll probably die or be very sick.

What are the different types of Adderall?

The four-hour forms are called Adderall and come in 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, and 30 mg strengths. The eight-hour capsules come as Adderall XR and come in 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, and 30 mg strengths. The tablets are now available in generic form. Visit Here- blinkshealth com