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Q: What is the energy you feel when you put your hands above fire?
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What is heat you feel when you put your hands above fire?

Is it radiation when put hands above fire.

What kind of heat you feel when you put your hands above a fire?


Why is radiation the heat you feel when you put your hands above a fire?

umm because

When you are warming your hands up over a fire What energy are you using?

Radiant energy.

How do you get the lantern?

you get the fire out of the fire place by setting the clock above it striking midnight with both hands

Where does energy in hot water come from?

energy actually heats in hot water it will feel like fire

Is it possible to make your hands immune to fire For example catch your hands on fire without burning them?

No. While people who work with hot things can get used to the pain of touching hot things, human flesh will be destroyed by fire or an exposure to a temperature above 75 degrees centigrade.

Which provides the activation energy to start a fire feel oxygen or heat?

What cannot be used to put out a small fire water oxygen or baking soda

How do you make a psi ball?

Its pretty easy I told both my friends how and they're getting there.Okay first imagine that you are on a powerful energy source, and that energy source is lending you all its energy once you think you have enough energy put your hands together but don't let them touch! Then you should try to visualize the ball after that put your hands slowly apart and back in the position keep moving your hands slowly until you feel you have a lot. You simply program it with your mind to do what you want. After that (sniff) you have to let it go by just realising it. Well I hope this works for you and by the way you wont be able to see it with out practice.Second way it will workOK you put your hands like your praying but not touching. Then you try to hear your heart beat. Then when you feel the pressure push in a little and then push out a little. Then you cup your hands like your swimming. That is how to make a psi ball. Now if you want to really feel something, imagine that the psi ball is ice or even fire and then you should feel it getting hotter or colder.For more information on psi balls and other psionic techniques go to (link below)

Is fire an ionization energy?

No fire is not an ionization energy

Is fire nonrenewable energy?

Yes, fire is nonrenewable energy.

Does fire have nuclear energy?

No, fire is chemical energy not nuclear