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Amperage (Amps) is a measure of current flow Voltage (Volts) is an electrical measure of difference in potential Wattage (Watts) is a measure of power which is energy per unit time A kilowatt equals 1000 watts Kilowatt Hour (KWH) is a measure of energy (Watts x hours/1000) The relationship is: Power (Watts) = Voltages (Volts) x Amperage (Amps) Therefore, Amps = Power (KW) x 1000 / Voltage (Volts)

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Q: What is the equation for converting 1 amp to kilowatt hour?
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What is the conversion of 1 amp hour to 1 kilowatt hour?

Multiply by kilovolts, and you will have it. For example: 1 amp hour X 0.120 kilovolts = 0.120 kilowatt hours

If we are paying 10.74 per amp what are we paying per kilowatt hour?

Simple, you're paying 1.23 monetary units per kilowatt hour. That's a really good deal.

What is the cost of an amp of power per hour?

If you are asking about a Guitar Amp for example, you will have to look up the cost for what you want. If you are asking about an amp of current then you need to also know the voltage and power factor to determine Kilowatts per hour which is the unit used by power companies to calculate costs. A ballpark figure is 12 cents per Kilowatt Hour. If you are asking about a typical household with 120 VAC supply then 1 Amp x 120 VAC x 1 = 120 Watts. If you run the device for an hour then the "amp" at 12 cents per Kw Hr would cost you about 1.44 cents.

How many uA in 1 amp?

Electricity is not sold by the amp, but by the kilowatt. And the cost of a kilowatt varies depending on where you are. Sorry, but there is just no one answer to your question.

How much does of 1 amp of electricity cost?

It depends what your voltage is and how much your electricity costs. Assuming you are running standard residential voltage and your electricity costs 10 cents per kilowatt-hour. 1 Amp would cost you 1 cent per hour or 29 cents per day or $105 per year.

How do you measure kilowatt to ampere?

These are three different type of units; the kilowatt hour is a measure of energy, kilowatt a measure of power and the amp a measure of current. or That is an easy one. If you plug a 100 watt bulb into a 110 volt outlet you will draw 0.91 amps. Watts=voltage times Amperes. The draw on the circuit will be 0.1 kiliowatts (1000 watts is one kiliowatt) If you leave this bulb on for ten hours you will have drawn a kiliowatt hour (KWH is power over time) In one hour this bulb will have drawn 0.1 KWH That help?

29.4 volts x 10 Amp hours equals kilowatt hours?

29.4 x 10 = 294 watt hours or 0.294 kilowatt hours.

What is a amp hour?

It is one amp current used over one hour. A ten amp hour battery can supply 1/2 an amp for 20 hours, 1 amp for 10 hours, etc.

How much does it cost to run a pump using 3.14 amp at 122 volts I pay 8 cents per Kilowatt hour?

3.14A 122V = 383W 8 cents gets you 2hrs 37 minutes

What happens when a 70 amp hour battery is connected to a 50 amp hour charging circuit voltage of both batteries are being same?

The 50 amp charging circuit will never be able achieve a full charge for the 70 amp hour battery, thus in effect turning the 70 amp hour battery into a 50 amp hour battery.

How long do amp hours last?

If you draw one amp of power for 1 hour that is an amp hour . If you have a different load eg a heater drawing 3 amp , it would be 20 minutes . Divide the hour ( 60 mintues ) by the amps you draw .

What is Ah in batteries?

Amp hour