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Q: What is the equivalent amount of radiation released by chernoboyl compared compared to the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima?
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How high are the radiation levels in japan?

They are high enough to be concerned about in the immediate area around the reactors, but as compared to Chernobyl, they are minuscule. It fades to insignificance compared to the radiation caused by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Was hiroshima bombing more devistating then nagasaki?

In Hiroshima a 12.5 mega ton was used compared to a 21 mega ton in Nagasaki. Anyway, the bomb in Hiroshima was more devastating because Hiroshima is flat compared to Nagasaki.

How was a more powerful bomb than the A bomb used in hiroshima?

The hydrogen was strongest compared to the atomic bombs use in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at almost 10 times.

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What is the difference between light rays and heat radation?

Light rays are visible and have higher frequency compared to that of heat radiation Heat radiation is nothing but infra red which is not visible to human eyes. They have longer wavelength compared to that of visible light

What are the negative effects of alpha radiation?

the negative effects of alpha radiation in general, alpha is of small risk to humans. compared to it's cousin's, beta and gamma.

What absorbs alpha radiation?

Pretty much anything will. A couple of sheets of paper would do it. Alpha radiation is big and bulky compared to other types of radiation. So it can't penetrate objects very far.

How did the explosion at Chernobyl compare to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The bombs dropped in Japan were designed to produce a large nuclear explosion which produced heat and blast waves. At Chernobyl an operating reactor lifted its top off due to a surge in pressure, and this flung out radioactive debris, not as a result of a nuclear explosion but due to mechanical forces. There was approx. 400 times the amount of radiation released from Chernobyl than there was from the two bombs dropped on Japan.

How would you describe the wavelengths of incoming solar radiation compared to the wavelengths of reradiated heat?

The wavelengths of incoming solar radiation are shorter than the wavelengths of reradiated heat.

What is 536 cm compared to 53.6 dm?

They are equivalent.