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The majority of the world's climate scientists agree that the temperature of the world has been gradually rising for the past 150 years, since the time man started seriously burning coal and oil.

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) states on its website that the measurable evidence is in the following:

  • Sea level rise
  • Global temperature rise
  • Warming oceans
  • Shrinking ice sheets
  • Declining Arctic sea ice
  • Glaciers retreating
  • Extreme Climate Events
  • Oceans become more acidic

See the NASA weblink below.
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Q: What is the evidence that global warming is a real process caused by humans and occurring right now?
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Related questions

How is global warming thought to be occurring?

Most of global warming is thought to be occurring because of a theory there is no specific evidence say the direct cause of global warming.A:Scientists say it is extremely likely that global warming is being caused by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation (cutting down trees which previously removed carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere).

How is global warming not caused by human activity?

The current evidence seems to support that the effects of the industrial revolution have caused the natural process to speed up dramatically. There is no way to stop global warming, but we can find ways to slow its current process.

Who are the scientists working with global warming?

The work of 15 climate scientists is helping to educate the public about the overwhelming scientific evidence for human-caused global warming.

Was the Santa Catarina flood caused by global warming?

most likely not. just because global warming is occurring does not mean that it caused the flood. in the past flood aways happen, not just because of global warming. in my school before the charts were way up, it flooded, not because of global warming, but because the school was built on a filled up marsh.

Is global warming caused by the earth's plate movements?

No. Global warming is caused primarily through variations in solar activity which start the process. Most climate scientists also claim that there is a strong possibility that man is also contributing to this process through the use of fossil fuels.

What is usually caused by global warming?

Climate change is caused by global warming.

Ozone depletion is caused by global warming?

No, ozone depletion was caused by CFCs in the atmosphere.

Is global warming caused by tornadoes?

Global warming is not caused by tornadoes, but rather by human burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, which releases carbon dioxide (CO2). Because global warming is causing climate change, there is some evidence that more heat (energy) in the atmosphere is giving extra strength to storms and tornadoes.

Are volcanoes caused by global warming?


Is global warming natural?

There is a natural warming of the earth caused by the normal greenhouse effect. This has been keeping the earth warm enough for live for millions of years.The global warming that has been occurring since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (1750) is believed to be caused by human activity, and so is not natural. We have cut down forests that before removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and we have burnt fossil fuel in vast amounts, releasing additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Is having dry season all year round is caused by global warming?

Dry skin isn't caused by global warming Jackass.

Was global warming caused by CFCs and a hole in the ozone layers?

Global warming was not originally caused by CFC's. However they are also a reason behind it.