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The example is simple.Consider a board marker.It is written on it that which compounds are used to manufacture it..To know such information is called qualitative analysis.Now if we try to know the %age of these compounds then it is called quqntitative.

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Q: What is the example of qualitative and quantitative?
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What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative techinque?

Quantitative means that it is concerned with how much. Qualitative means that it is only concerned with the kind. And example of quantitative would be the number of trees in a park, and an example of qualitative would be whether you have blue eyes or brown eyes.

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Is bubbly an example of a qualitative or a quantitative observation?

Qualitative observations are those that cannot be measured mathematically or assigned a value. For example, "the sky is blue," is a qualitative observation, it has no mathematical value associated with it. Quantitative observations are those that have a mathematical value. For example, "this desk is 1 meter long" is a quantitative observation. Therefore, noting that something is bubbling is an example of a qualitative observation.

What is the meaning of quantitative variables?

They are variables that can take quantitative - as opposed to qualitative values. For example, the colour of peoples' eyes is a qualitative variable, but their age or shoe size are quantitative variables.

What is the main difference between qualitative and quantitative?

A qualitative observation has to do with things you can't count, "The fish has black scales" is a qualitative observation. A quantitative observation has to do with things you can count, "The fish has 125 scales" is a quantitative observation. You can combine these two, an example would be "The fish has 125 black scales."

Is state of residence qualitative or quantitative?

Qualitative 100% its that and not quantitative The variable is qualitative because it is an attribute characteristic.

What is an example of a qualitative sentence?

1. Qualitative: this girl is tall. 2. Quantitative: this girl has 1,75 m.

What is an example sentence for qualitative?

1. Qualitative: this girl is tall. 2. Quantitative: this girl has 1,75 m.

Difference between quantitative and qualitative traits?

Quantitative means it can be measured. Qualitative is something that is subjective meaning there is no way to really measure it. Example: Quantitative: 2=2=4 This is always true. Qualitative: Puppies are cute. (this is only an opinion. No facts)

What are quantitative traits?

Quantitative traits can be measured. Example: Tom is 5'10" tall Qualitative traits are descriptive. Example: Susan is pretty

What are Qualitative quantitative aspects?

qualitative = how good something is quantitative= how much of it there is