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Q: What is the feudal system (who owns the land who works the land how is it determined who does what)?
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How was wealth determined in Medieval Europe?

The Feudal System which provided wealth and land to vassals, jobs for knights, and work for serfs.

What responsibilitys did peasants have in feudal system?

They supported the entire feudal system by working the land.

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The feudal system of land ownership is reffered to as Jagirdari system

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How was the feudal system structured?

nobles owned land, peasants were tied to land

What was the reward of each class of the feudal system?

Each person in the Feudal System received land from a person higher than themselves.

A feudal system based on holding what for military service?


What is Meaning of feudalism?

The feudal system; a system by which the holding of estates in land is made dependent upon an obligation to render military service to the kind or feudal superior; feudal principles and usages.

In the feudal system both could own land?

nobles, the Church

Which system has monarchs or lords that give land to nobles?

This is a feudal society that you ask about.

In the feudal system the person who made a grant of land to another person?
