

What is the first candy ever made?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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13y ago

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dried honey

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Q: What is the first candy ever made?
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What was the first candy ever made and what was its name?

its called Sugar

First candy ever made?

from what have studied the aztec made choclate before 1529

Who made the first candy ever?

the native americans. from before any one made any calenders

What was the first candy and who made it?

The first candy was maple syrup. It was made by a tree.

When was candy first made?

Candy was first invented in the 1400s

What was the reason why the candy was first made?

candy is good.

Where was the first butterfinger made?

The first butterfinger candy bar was made in Illinois. It was created by a candy company in 1923.

What is the first candy made?

Answermost likely dried honey or chocolate made by the Egyptians

When was rock candy made?

Rock candy was first made in the 1700's by a German man.

Why did people make candy?

There were earlier forms of candy made from honey by the Egyptians and others. In the 15th century, when the sugar cane industry developed, so did candy. The first candy-producing machinery was invented in the late 18th century. The US started making candy in the 19th century. The Salem Gibralter, the first candy ever sold in the United States, was developed in 1806. It was a hard candy with flavors of Lemon or Peppermint. Candy was made as far back as 3000 BC In fact, the first candy maker was probably a caveman who discovered the pleasant taste of honey from beehives

When was cotton candy first sold?

Cotton Candy was invented in 1897 but was not introduced to the public until 1904 at the St. Louis World Fair.

Who made the fisrt candy canes?

Germany was the first people to make candy canes