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The Russian craft Luna 3 photographed the moon's hidden side for the first time on 7 October 1959, ten years before the first lunar landing. A total of 29 images were taken.

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The mission was called Apollo 11, and it landed on July 20, 1969. The space craft that actually landed on the moon, the lunar excursion module, was named Eagle for this mission (the astronauts name their spacecrafts for the different missions.)

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A shuttle did not visit the moon. The Apollo spacecraft and its lunar module are the only manned vehicles to visit the moon.

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The first pictures of the far side of the moon were taken by the USSR's Luna 3 probe in 1959.

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12y ago

The first spacecraft to land on the moon was the Russian spacecraft the Lunar.

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September 14, 1959; the unmanned Luna 2 probe was sent by the Russians to the moon.

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It was the Apollo 8 spacecraft.

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It was the Apollo 11 spacecraft.

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Q: What is the first spacecraft to photograph the far side of the moon?
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What year was a photograph first taken?

Sometime in the summer of 1827 Joseph Nicéphore Niépce is credited with producing the world's first photograph, a picture of buildings visible from the rooftop of his home. See the Related Link below.

What are the adjective phrases in the sentence As the moon continues in its orbit around the earth a part of the illuminated side of the moon becomes visible?

There are three: 1. around the Earth 2. of the illuminated side 3. of the Moon

Taylor wants to enlarge photograph so that the longest side measures 15 in how wide will she need to make the potograph?

15 inches.

What is the text for space science ms Adams clas team 8-2 for October 16 2008?

Phases are different views of the Moon's sunlit half. What you see as moonlight is really light from the Sun reflected by the Moon's surface. At any time, sunlight shines on half of the Moon's surface. Areas where sunlight does not reach look dark, just as the night side of Earth looks dark from space. As the Moon turns on its axis, areas on the surface move into and out of sunlight. When you look at the Moon, you see a bright shape that is the lit part of the near side of the Moon. The unlit part is hard to see. Lunar phases are the patterns of lit and unlit portions of the Moon that you see from Earth. It takes about a month for the Moon to orbit Earth and go through all the phases. Check Your Reading Why do you sometimes see only part of the near side of the Moon? COMBINATION NOTES Use the blue heading to start a new set of notes. E 60 Unit: Space ScienceThe Moon's position in its monthly orbit determines how it appears from Earth. The diagram on page 61 shows how the positions of the Moon, the Sun, and Earth affect the shapes you see in the sky. Waxing Moon First Week The cycle begins with a new moon. From Earth, the Moon and the Sun are in the same direction. If you face a new moon, you face the Sun. Your face and the far side of the Moon are in sunlight. The near side of the Moon is unlit, so you do not see it. During a new moon, there appears to be no Moon. As the Moon moves along its orbit, sunlight begins falling on the near side. You see a thin crescent shape. During the first week, the Moon keeps moving farther around, so more of the near side becomes lit. You see thicker crescents as the Moon waxes, or grows. Second Week When half of the near side of the Moon is in sunlight, the Moon has completed one-quarter of its cycle. The phase is called the first quarter, even though you might describe the shape as a halfmoon. You can see in the diagram that the Moon is 90 degrees-at a right angle-from the Sun. If you face the first-quarter moon when it is high in the sky, sunlight will shine on the right side of your head and the right side of the Moon. You see more of the Moon as it moves along its orbit during the second week. The phase is called gibbous (GIHB-uhs) when the near side is more than half lit but not fully lit. The Moon is still waxing, so the phases during the second week are called waxing gibbous moons. check your reading Why does the Moon sometimes seem to have a crescent shape? Waning Moon Third Week Halfway through its cycle, the whole near side of the Moon is in sunlight-a full moon. You might think of it as the second quarter. Viewed from Earth, the Moon and the Sun are in opposite directions. If you face a full moon at sunset, sunlight from behind you lights the back of your head and the near side of the Moon. As the Moon continues around during the third week, less and less of the near side is in sunlight. The Moon seems to shrink, or wane, so these phases are called waning gibbous moons. Fourth Week When the near side is again only half in sunlight, the Moon is three-quarters of the way through its cycle. The phase is called the third quarter. The Moon is again 90 degrees from the Sun. If you face the third-quarter moon when it is high in the sky, sunlight will shine on the left side of your head and the left side of the Moon. Lunar Phases Chapter 2: Earth, Moon, and Sun 61COMPARE How are the sunlit portions alike in the image and the diagram of the waning gibbous moon? 1 2 34 View from Earth Not to scale firstquarter waxing gibbous full moonwaning gibbous 3 waning crescentthird quarter 4 new moonwaxing crescent first week firstweek second week third weekfourth week second week third weekfourth week 1 2 direction from Earth This lit portion is visible from Earth. waning gibbous E E 62 Unit: Space Science As the Moon continues to move around Earth during the fourth week, less and less of the near side is in sunlight. The waning crescent moon grows thinner and thinner. At the end of the fourth week, the near side is again unlit, and the new moon begins a new cycle. Crescent and Gibbous MoonsThink through the waxing lunar phases again. The Moon waxes from new to crescent to gibbous during the first half of its cycle. Then it wanes from full to gibbous to crescent during the second half of its cycle. The amount of the Moon that you see from Earth depends on the angle between the Moon and the Sun.When this angle is small, you see only a small amount of the Moon. Crescent moons occur when the Moon appears close to the Sun in the sky. As a result, they are visible most often in the daytime or around the time of sunrise or sunset. When the angle between the Sun and the Moon is large, you see a large amount of the Moon. Gibbous and full moons appear far from the Sun in the sky. You may see them in the daytime, but you are more likely to notice them at night. Hang on, jenn, theres more! check your re

Are there volcanoes on the moon?

Not any more. There used to be (about 1 billion years ago) but not now.

Related questions

What was the first spacecraft to observe the dark side of the Moon?

the Luna 3

How can astronomers see the far side of the moon?

The moon always keeps the same "side" facing Earth, which also means that the other half of its surface is always facing away from Earth. The only ways to see that side are: -- Send a robotic spacecraft to orbit the moon. Have it photograph the back side when it's there, and then send those photos to Earth when it comes back around to our side. -- Send people in a spacecraft to orbit the moon. Have them photograph the back side when they're there, and then send those photos to Earth when they come back around to our side, or else save them up and bring the photos back to Earth with them.

How were people recording the moon land if Niel Armstrong was the first man on the moon?

There was a camera mounted on the side of the spacecraft which Armstrong activated using a remote on his suit.

How do you know what the backside of the moon looks like?

Spacecraft have orbited the Moon and shown us what the far side looks like. This was first done over 50 years ago.

What country was the first to photograph the dark side of the moon?

On October 7, 1959, the Soviet Union sent Luna 3 around the moon and took the first photos of the far side. 18 of the photos were usable and they only covered about a third of the far surface.

What was the first manned spacecraft to spend Christmas in space?

The first manned crew to spend Christmas in space was during the Apollo 8 mission. They were the first humans to see the dark side of the moon.

Are there any picture of the back side of the moon?

I do not think so as it would not be possible no light for the photograph.

What fact does the data from the clementine spacecraft support?

that the moon has a thinner crust on the side facing earth

What fact does data gathered from the Clementine spacecraft support?

that the moon has a thinner crust on the side facing earth

What was the first space mission to orbit any celestial body other than the earth?

The first spacecraft to orbit any other celestial object was the Soviet Luna probe, which took the first-ever photos of the far side of the Moon.

Are there any photos of the dark side of the moon?

"Dark side of the moon" isn't actually dark. The more accurate term is "far side of the moon". Both sides of the moon receive an equal amount of sunlight, per month. There are indeed a lot of photos taken of the far side. The first-ever photo of the far side of the moon was captured by the Luna 3 probe in 1959. All Apollo missions from Apollo 11 to 17 passed behind the moon, and they took photos of the far side. The attached photo is from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

What space exploration happened in 1959 in the Soviet Union?

On January 2, the Soviet Union successfully launches the Luna 1 spacecraft. Luna 1 became the first ever man-made object to reach the "escape velocity" of the earth (the velocity required to break free of the gravitational field). This was also the first spacecraft to successfully reach the vicinity of the moon. On September 14, the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 crash lands on the surface of the moon. This was the first ever spacecraft to reach the surface of the moon. On October 3, the Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 (commonly known as Lunik 3) is launched, it's goal is to orbit the moon and take pictures of it's back - the side always faced away from the Earth. Lunik 3 was successful and even do the pictures taken were of poor quality they caused large excitement.