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Go to your local courthouse and ask the Clerk of Courts if they offer a package containing instructions and the necessary forms required to initiate legal action to obtain payment of a promissory note. If not then ask them what is the proper protocol that you should follow for your area to demand payment. One of the first steps in the package should be written notification to the promiser that you intend to take legal action after a certain period (established by your local laws) if the promiser fails to respond or pay you. There should be a form in the package to request a hearing. There should be form in the package to file for a motion of default if the promiser fails to respond after a certain period or does not show up for the hearing. And a form to file for a motion for dismissal if the promiser pays you. The Clerk of Courts should also be able to provide you with a schedule of the fees to initiate each action.

The first and last step to demand payment of a promissory note is to send the party written notice to cure within ten days, unless the terms of the note call for a different time period. Do it by certified letter or other method of proof of delivery. Generally speaking, one is not entitled to file a lawsuit ( a summons and complaint) at the courthouse until you have provided the written notice and can prove it.

If you do not get satisfaction within the ten days, then you can file a summons & complaint with the court. The clerk of court will give you the basic summons and complaint form if you want to sue in small claims court which limits the amount you can collect within the jurisdiction of that court. The person answering above is assuming that your amount owed is small and comes within the limits of a small claims court. The limits vary from State to State, but generally range from $2,000 to $10,000 for small claims courts. You will not get any forms or get any legal help from the clerk if you are filing in regular term court (non small claims courts) because it is against the law for them to offer you legal advice.

You may sue (file a summons & complaint) in a State jurisdiction where you reside, where the promising resides, or where the contract was executed and performed. So, you may have to go to the state court where the defendant resides, depending upon the circumstances. If more than one State is involved and the amount is more than $50,000 then you may sue in a Federal Court. But, all this goes beyond your question.

It is against the law for the court to offer you legal advice. It is not against the law for the court to offer forms for sale with examples of how to fill them out no matter which court they are used in. You will get these forms with non binding examples how to fill them out in my area.

Demand is simple but important, but none of you seems to understand it. In a true commercial context, you demand payment on a note by going to YOUR bank and having them put the item through for collection. If it's not paid, the bank will "protest" the item (make a formal demand for payment to a notary public at the bank) and then you can turn it over to counsel to file suit for collection.

In an non-commercial context, you go to Tim and say "Tim, pay me on this IOU/whatever." Or you send Tim a note that says that payment is due.

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