

What is the food a plant cell makes?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The food a plant cell makes is sugar.

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Q: What is the food a plant cell makes?
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What makes food for the plant cell?

the chloroplasts

What is one important thing a plant cell does?

It makes the food for the plant. (The chlorophyll in the cell)

What is the choroplast in a plant cell?

chloroplast's are the green stuff in the cell that makes energy from the sun into food for the plant cell

What does a choroplast do in a cell?

It makes energy from the sun light into food for the plant cell. It also contains chlorophyll, which makes plant green.

What does the choroplast in a cell do?

It makes energy from the sun light into food for the plant cell. It also contains chlorophyll, which makes plant green.

What organelle makes food for plants cells?

chloroplast is the organelle that makes food in a plant cell.

What makes food in plant cell?


What cell part makes a plant make food?

Answer The part of green plants that makes food is called the chloroplasts. They produce food by photosynthesis.

What is the name of the structure in a plant cell that is green and makes food for the plant?

chlorophyll in the chloroplasts

What part of the plant cell makes food for the plant using the suns energy?

Chloroplast (:

What makes food for plant cell?

Sunlight, water, and nutrients.