

What is the full price of all the halo 3 map packs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is the full price of all the halo 3 map packs?
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Does Halo 3 ODST come with all the map packs from Halo 3?


What mythic map packs come with Halo 3 ODST?

All of the maps, including The Mythic map pack 1 and 2, come on the Halo 3: Mythic disk that is included with ODST. If you don't want to buy ODST, I believe that the full Mythic maps are available on Xbox Live marketplace.

Does odst come with Halo 3?

halo 3 ODST will probably come with a second disc with all the Halo 3 Online maps on it (all 21) plus 3 more. will be halo 3 format.

What is the difference between halo 3 and halo odst disk 2?

The Halo Odst Disk 2 comes with all maps (Plus 3 extra), and the ordinary halo 3 disk comes with no added map packs, so you don't have another 12 maps.

Does Halo 3 ODST come with the multiplayer disk or do you pay extra?

It comes with it, but if you have all the old map packs it may not be worth it.

Is halo 3 multiplayer separate from halo 3?

No, the Halo 3 game disk has both the campaign and multiplayer mode on it. What might seen confusing is in Halo: ODST, the game comes with two disks. One disk is for the Halo: ODST game and the second disk is for the Halo 3 multiplayer with all the latest map packs on it such as Mythic

Why can't i join ranked double XP weekend games on halo 3 xbox live?

If you dont have all map packs then it wont let you.

Can you get Halo 3 armor easily?

You can unlock all the armor by competing Halo 3 achievements. The achievements linked to the downloadable map packs are generally easier to complete and give more gamerscore, therefore giving the armour faster.

Can you download all halo 3 map packs without a hardrive?

the only way is to have a lot of memory cards and make sure they have about 6gigs for each map

How do you get maps onto Halo 3 matchmakeing?

You must go to the XBOX LIVE Marketplace for Halo 3 and download the maps and map packs. But some will cost you with Microsoft points. Or you could buy Halo 3 Odst which comes with a disc that is specific for online, custom games, and forge with ALL the Maps.

Do you have to buy all three map packs to play on them on call of duty world at war?

No you can buy any of the 3 map packs separately or all three together for a small reduction in there combined price of $10 each

What map packs are needed for the DoubleExpWeekend playlist and how do you pay for them?

For the DEW, you need all of them. you can go to a store, and buy Microsoft points, or there's a credit card option in-game. then go to the Zune store, then search "Halo 3", then look for the map packs. Heroic and legendary cost points!