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Q: What is the function of a laboratory tripod?
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What is the function of a tripod in laboratory apparatus?

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What is the Function of Tripod in Laboratory Apparatus?

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What is tripod laboratory?

it is used on three legs by suppoting it!!

What is the function of a tripod?

three legs. the most common thing is a tripod stand for a camera.

What is the use of the laboratory tripod?

meant to be used in conjunction with wire gauze or a sand bath --------------------- A tripod is an object with three feet welded to a superior frame (generally circular or as a triangle). See the link below to see different models of tripods. The tripod is used in a laboratory to support various laboratory glassware, ceramic ware, equipments, etc.

What is the tripod function?

The tripod is a three-legged rack used for supporting eg. like apparatus

What is the use of tripod in laboratory?

a tripod stand is used to support the experiment as all appratus including wire gauge or beaker etc.. are kept upon it when the solution is heated.

What is the use tripod in laboratory?

a tripod stand is used to support the experiment as all appratus including wire gauge or beaker etc.. are kept upon it when the solution is heated.

What is the function of the tripod STAND in science?

A tripod stand has three legs and is more stable compared to a four-legged stand.

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The function of a graduated cylinder in the laboratory is to measure volumes.

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