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A specialized parenchyma cell, located in the phloem of flowering plants and closely associated with the development and function of a sieve-tube element. Companion cells probably provide ATP, proteins, and other substances to the sieve-tube elements, whose cytoplasm lacks many structures necessary for cell maintenance.

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Nucleus to control translocation (transport of sucrose), via the production of enzymes and carrier proteins. Also, many mitochondria to produce ATP for active transport.

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Q: What is the two role of the companion cell in phloem?
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What two cell types make up xylem amd phloem?

Xylem - Tracheids and Vessels. Phloem - Sieve-tube cells and Companion cells.

How is pholem different from xylem?

Xylem is different from phloem structurally and functionally.Xylem consists of Tracheids, vessels and xylem parenchyma whereas phloem consists of Sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma.Xylem conducts water and minerals to the leaves whereas phloem transports the prepared food from leaves to different parts of plant body.

What describe the role of phloem in a vascular plant?

Phloem is a conductive plant tissue and is found in the stems and leaf veins. It facilitates the movement of the sugars produced by photosynthesis to the rest of the plant. Phloem also provides a minor role in the support structure of the stem.

How do phloem cells differ from xylem cells in a tree?

There is a layer of living Phloem and there is a layer of living xylem. Both these layer produce dead tissue, the Phloem produces bark (dead protective outer layer), the xylem produces wood (dead supportive inner layer). Both the wood and the bark are dead. It is only the two thin layers of Phloem and Xylem that are alive.

What are the two different types of vascular tissue?

Phloem and xylem are the two main types of vascular tissue found in plants. Xylem is the tissue that mainly carries water, and a few minerals, in the system. Phloem is the tissue that carries photosynthetic materials through the plant.

Which tube is wider xylem vessel or phloem vessel?

Phloem as it transports sugars two ways

The vascular tissue through witch food moves in some plants?

There are two types of vascular tissue in plants - the xylem and phloemXylem are elongated water conducting cells. The walls of the xylem are perforated and allow water and salts to pass though side ways from cell to cell.The walls of the xylem tissue are strengthened by deposition of lignin on them. This lignin makes the cell woody and impermeable. Xylem is the wood in woody plants that also help in supporting the plants.Phloem are living cells supported by companion cells. The end walls of these calls are perforated and allow organic solutes to flow to different parts of the plant.

Two types of vessels in the leaf?

The two main types of vessels in the leaf are xylem and phloem. Xylem vessels transport water and minerals from the roots to the leaves, while phloem vessels transport sugars and nutrients throughout the plant. These vessels are part of the plant's vascular system and play a crucial role in the distribution of resources and support for the leaf.

What is the difference between companion cell and sieve tubes?

Companion cells have the structure of a 'normal' plant cell. Sieve tubes don't have nuclei, tonoplasts and ribosomes. Also there are no sieve plates in a companion cell, whereas there are in sieve tubes.

What are the two vascular tissues found in the root and stem systems?

Xylem and Phloem Xylem-transports water from the roots Phloem-transports food from the process of photosynthesis through other parts of the plant

Where is phloem found?

Phloem is the one of the two main types of tissue in vascular plants, which conducts synthesized nutrients to all parts of the plant. It is made up of sap-conducting tubes sieve tubes and the cells that lie alongside them companion cells, elongated cells of soft tissue parenchyma, and fibers

The two types of tubes in a plant are the?

The two tubes are phloem and xylem