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Epidermis The structure and functions of this tissue are the same as those of the epidermis of the stem of a dicotyledonous plant. The epidermis consists of a single layer of living cells which are closely packed. The walls are thickenedand covered with a thin waterproof layer called the cuticle. Stomata with guard cells are found in the epidermis. In some stems either unicellular or multicellular hair-like outgrowths, trichomes, appear from the epidermis. * Functions * The epidermis protects the underlying tissues. * The cuticle prevents the desiccation of inner tissues and thus prevents water loss . * The stomata allows gaseous exchange for the processes of respiration and photosynthesis. Ground Tissue This region is composed of small, thick-walled sclerenchyma on the inside of the epidermis. These layers of cells are followed by larger thin-walled parenchyma cells. Intercellular air spaces are found in the parenchyma. A cortex or pith is absent. * Functions * Sclerenchyma tissue strengthensthe stem. * Parenchyma tissue stores synthesised organic food such as starch. * Intercellular air spaces allow the exchange of gases. Vascular Bundles The vascular bundles are found scattered throughout the ground tissue. The vascular bundles occurring nearer the rind of the stemare smaller and are closer to one another. The vascular bundles contain no cambium and consequently secondary thickening does not occur. The vascular bundle is composed of the following parts:* Sclerenchyma sheath Thick-walled sclerenchyma fibres surround the vascular bundle. ** Function of the Sclerenchyma sheath ** Sclerenchyma sheaths protect the vascularbundles and give strength to the stem. * Xylem Large xylem vessels are found within an irregular intercellular air space called the lysigenous cavity. This space is surrounded by thin-walled parenchyma cells. ** Functions of the Xylem ** Xylem transports water and dissolved ionsfrom the root system to the stem. ** The lignified thick-walled xylem cells strengthen the stem. * Phloem Phloem is composed of thin-walled cells, viz. sieve tubes and companion cells. ** Function of the Phloem ** The phloem transports synthesized organic food such as carbohydrates from the leaves to other parts of the plant

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Q: What is the function of dicot stem cell?
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What are d common parts of dicot stem?

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What tissue occupies the center of the dicot stem?

cortex- In dicot stems, the cortex is located in the area between thevascular bundles and the epidermis. In monocot stems, it occupies the area surrounding the vascularbundles. The center of the stem is pith and may function as storage.

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multipotent is stem cell that can only become a certain type of cell. That does a certian function.

What is celll specialization?

Cell specialisation is when a cell becomes specific for a particular function. Unspecialised cells are called stem cells. Stem cells can become specialised for a particular function by undergoing cell specialisation to become cells that are responsible for a particular function. For example, when a stem cell undergoes specialisation to become a heart cells, its main responsibility is contracting to pump blood around the body.

What is the difference between young and old dicot stem?

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Does a hibiscus plant have a woody stem?

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What is the stem cell technology?

A stem cell is a type of cell that doesn't have a specific function. The cells you normally think about make up parts of the body like the muscles (e.g., heart), brain, nerves, etc. Stem cells have the ability to divide into these cells with a function and replace damaged ones. They can also divide into more stem cells. The exploration and use of stem cells to replace damaged parts of the body is called stem cell research or technology.