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Nitrogen is one of the most important elements to life on earth. Nitrogen is one of the essential nutrients for plant growth, and without plants, humans could not live. The most important industrial chemical reaction is the Haber-Bosch process which converts nitrogen gas into ammonia to make ferilizer.

AnswerThe food web, the basic principle of life. Nitrogen benefits the ground, earth worms eat and fertilize the dirt, plants grow, animals eat plants, we eat animals and plants.
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10y ago

There a number of important elements that the body uses: C,H,N,O,P, S (CHNOPS). As you see nitrogen is one of these 6. The most important use is in the nitrogen bases. These include DNA and RNA. Each has a nitrogenous base. The ones in DNA code for proteins. This code is for production of an organism such as ourselves. RNA also has bases and RNA is important in the "reading" and "translation" of these bases.

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7y ago

Nitrogen is beneficial as it goes in a cycle and we get it by eating the food. We can also inhale nitrogen and deliver it to the body.

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How does bacteria benefit plants?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria are important for plants as they can convert Nitrogen from the air into Nitrates in the soil which the plant can then use. Legumes have nodules on their roots to provide a suitable habitat for them.

What is 'nitrogen drawdown'?

The use by beneficial soil microorganisms for their own benefit of nitrogen from large particle soil amendments is 'nitrogen drawdown'. Soil amendments are below ground conditioners that are either organic or mineral in their makeup. A popular form are wood chips.Unfortunately, wood chips are so large that they may open up and thereby dry the very soil for which they're supposed to improve movement of air and moisture. They also attract beneficial decomposers. The problem lies in the strong attraction that the microorganisms feel towards the nitrogen in the chips.Breakdown of the chips is supposed to release nitrogen and other nutrients into the soil. Unfortunately, the microorganisms may feed so much on the nitrogen that the soil becomes nitrogen deficient. Plants indicate the nitrogen deficient nature of such soil by turning yellow. The solution is nitrogen fertilizer treatments until the wood chips are broken down.

Why can we inhale nitrogen?

Like oxygen, we can also inhale nitrogen. Nitrogen is beneficial for health unless it's liquid nitrogen. Nitrogen helps us dissolve food waste to prevent deadly diseases from forming. The air we're breathing is mainly oxygen but sometimes we're inhaling nitrogen.

Is lightning necessary for survival of mankind?

Not directly, but lightning helps fix nitrogen, which is necessary for plant growth.

Properties of the Earth which makes it beneficial to life?

The distance from the sun is 'just right' - and it has an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere.


have a mutually beneficial relationship with plants -> Organisms fix nitrogen that is used for a nutrient source for the plant

What form of social work do Muslims participate in?

Muslims participate in all types of social work that are beneficial to mankind, society, and environment.

What are Four examples of beneficial effect?

nitrogen fixing bacteria bacteria of decay nitrifying bacteria denitrifying bacteria