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It is the back up hard drive to the basal body, which in motile spermatids is an extension of the primary cilium.

Research by Dr C.A. Poole in New Zealand examined the role of primary cilia, and in 1985 published the following paper:

Poole, C. A., M. H. Flint, et al. (1985). "Analysis of the morphology and function of primary cilia in connective tissues: a cellular cybernetic probe?" Cell Motil 5(3): 175-93.

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They are necessary for the first mitiotic division of the zygote. They are necessary for the first mitiotic division of the zygote.

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You see, the centrioley is the defender of the sperm cell. It is derived from the word "Sentry", which means guardian in Hebrew.

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Q: What is the function of proximal centriole in a sperm?
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What is the proximal region?

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Hair like tail region of the sperm is called?

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The sperm nucleus (in animals) contains the haploid chromosome set of the parent father. The egg or ovum carries the other half of the chromosome set from the parent mother. On fertilisation the two sets fuse and a full set of chromosomes forms (diploid). The cell then divides through mitosis to form the embryo. The nucleus also helps control the sperm cell while it seeks out the ovum. In plants a similar structure develops when a pollen grain (male) germinates on the stigma of a receptive flower. A pollen tube grows down the style to deliver the nucleus to the ovary of the flower [simplified explanation!].

What does a centriole interact with?

Centrioles interact with Microtubules, Embyros, and Sperm Cells in singles, doubles, AND triples.

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The function of sperm is to deliver genetic material.

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the function of the sperm duct is to carry the sperm from the testes

What is function of midpiece of sperm cell?

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What is the main function of proximal metaphysis?

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