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It is the area where all your touch senses end up; touch, vibration, temperature, pain, body position. It is organized as a homonculous

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To sense visceral messages

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Q: What is the primary sensory area function?
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Where is the primary sensory cortex located?

The primary sensory cortex (or primary somatosensory cortex) is part of the postcentral gyrus in the brain, which forms part of the parietal lobe.The main function of the primary sensory cortex is it is a receptor for the sense of touch.parietal lobe

Why would there be no deficit in sensory function after a left frontal bleed?

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no the precentral gyrus is the primarymotor area and postcentral gyrus is the sensory area

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Which of the areas of the cerebral cortex receives sensation?

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In sensory function sensation may be described as?

In sensory function, sensation may be described as somatic. The somatic sensory system incorporates the sensations of heat, cold, touch and pain.

What are the four Parts of the Sensory Pathway?

Sensory pathways function to provide us with information about our environment. The four parts of the sensory pathway are receptors, sensory neurons, sensory tracts, and sensory areas of the brain.

Lobe with primary sensory center?

Parietal lobe

What are the sensory and motor function?

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