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idk i wana no 2 : describe the body structure of mollusks?

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15y ago
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12y ago

yes, they do, and some have more than one.

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Q: What is the function of the siphon in a mollusks' body?
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What muscular organ do mollusks use to move through the environment?

Siphon .

What is the function of a siphon in a shark?

The siphon of a shark allows the sperm to be transported from the male shark, into the female shark with the help of claspers.

What covers the body of mollusks?

a shell

What is the mollusks body covering?

A shell

What is the function of the foot of the mollusk?

The function of a mollusks foot is locomotion (moving).

What is the function of a squid's siphon?

a siphon is an organ through which water is sucked in and out, either for filter-feeding or to produce oxygen. Also, it helps the squid move.

What is the function of the siphons?

A siphon is found in octopus, squid, and in some snails and clams. The function is movement, feeding, respiration, and reproduction. In bi-valves, the siphons are paired. In cephalopods, there is a single siphon or funnel which is known as a hyponome.

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What two things does the mantel do in a mollusks?

The function in a mollusks mantel is to help it's muchel move in the bod Located in th inside of the shell

Is the type of body cavity shared by all mollusks is a pseudocelom?

The type of body cavity shared by all mollusks is pseudocoelom is a false statement. The correct answer is coelom.

What is the function of the visceral mass in mollusks?

Visceral mass of mollusks contain all organs but head foot and gills . Thus vascular , excretory reproductive , part of nervous and digestive functions function are performed by visceral mass .

What group of invertebrate has a shell?

An invertebrate that has a soft body and a shell is called exosceloton.