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Q: What is the general formula for the stack height of diesel generator set?
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What is the stack height of 1250 kva diesel generator set?

what should be height of stack of 1250 kva D.G as per Indian pollution boardA: it should be 7.1 meter + building height of 1250kva Dg set installed.

What is the general formula for finding the volume for a pyramid?

Volume = 1/3*base area*height

What is the formula for finding a cylinder?

That depends which formula is needed but in general:- Volume in cubic units = pi*radius2*height and Entire surface area in square units = (2*pi*radius2)+(pi*diameter*height)

Fill in the blank The general formula for volume is length?

length x width x height for apex trick.

Math Formula for height?

The formula for height depends on the context. There is no simple formula for the height of a person. Formulae for the height of a geometric shape depends on what information about the shape is given.

Volume of a room formula?

Depends on the shape of the room. For a rectangular floor area, it is lengthxwidthxheight. In general find the floor area and multiply by the height, assuming a flat ceiling of constant height.

What is the general formula for finding the volume of a prism or cylinder?

Area=Bh when B=area of the base, and h=height of the prism/cylinder

What is the triangular prism volume formula?

The Formula is Base*Height, or 1/2 Height (altitude of the triangle) * Base (of the Triangle) * height (Height of the prism)

What is the formula for finding the length if you have the volume height and width?

volume = length*height*width Rearrange the formula: length = volume/height*width

What is the formula on speed and height through a steam pipe?

What is the formula for speed and height thru a steam pipe