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Camelia sinensis.

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Q: What is the genus of tea plants?
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Which is true of the following Two organisms in the same taxonomic class?

plants does not have any particular genus

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Genus and species are specific to each individual organism, so there is no genus species for all plants.

Is Ceylon and Indian tea the same?

No. Ceylon tea comes from Ceylon, Indian tea comes from India. Althoug they are the same genus, they are different species.

Is cannabis a fruit?

Answer: No, its a genus of flowering plants.

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What is tea plant in brief answer?

Tea plants are nothing different , they are just plants from which we get tea leaves to prepare tea. these plants usually grow in hilly areas like ooty, Assam etc. Assam is the best known place for its tea plants. It is known world wide for its tea plants. these plants are grown till the height of at least 1 feet and then are cut down to get tea leaves. If these grow more than 1 or 1and a half feet, these loose their fragrance and are useless then.

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Drosera are a genus of carnivorous plants in the family droseraceae, which includes the genus dionaea and aldrovanda (venusflytraps).

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A saccolabium is a plant of the genus Saccolabium, a genus of plants of the orchid family native to India and Indonesia.

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