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Q: What is the greek word for force?
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What is the greek word for life force?

'menos' is the Greek word for life-force

What is the Greek term for protection?

The word aegis is identified with protection by a strong force with its roots in Greek mythology

What English word comes from the greek word dunamis meaning force?

The English word Dynamite comes form the greek word Dunamis. Not only does Dunamis mean force but its such an extreme force that its almost explosive.... thus the dynamite :D But if you look at it from biblical terms, it means "mighty works"

What word is the greek word dunamis meaning force come from?

yes. The word dunamis or dinami (δύναμη) means force.

What is Greek word of electricity?

It derives from the greek word ήλεκτρον (electron) the greek word for amber. The ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus (late 7th century BC) was the first to talk about the electromagnetic qualities of amber.

How big was the greek force in the battle of marathon?

It was not a Greek force, it was 9,000 Athenians and 1,000 Platians.

What is the greek word for egg?

the greek word for egg is: avgo

What is the Greek word for golf?

There is no Greek word for golf. We use the word ''golf'' or in Greek letters ''Γκόλφ''.

What is the word for jeans in Greek?

There is no word for jeans in Greek. We use the word ''jeans'' or in Greek letters τζίνς.

What is the Greek word for turtle?

The greek word for animal is zodiac. The greek word for turtle is still unknown.

What is the Greek word fro psychology?

Psychology is a a Greek word. Greek : ψυχολογία

What is the Greek word for heavy?

The Greek word for heavy in Greek is Βαρύς(varis).