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shi'ism believe that the successor of the prophet must be chosen by Allah & is declared by prophet ,not necessarily his descender . As people can not know each other & who is sinless till he lead people in the right path to allah & to the heaven.

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Q: What is the group of Muslims that believed Muslim rulers should be descended from Prophet Muhammad?
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Who believed that only descendants of Prophet Muhammad can lead Muslims?

The Shiites believe that only descendants of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) can lead Muslims. refer to related question below.

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Abou Bakr Assidiq was elected by Muslims as prophet Muhammad (PBUH) successor of the prophet death.

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No, Qadiani are not Muslims . Muslim believed on Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) as last Holy Prophet of Allah, on the other hand Qadiani believed on Mirza Ahmed qadiani (Brain child of British) as the Prophet of Allah, which is false because after Muhammad no Prophet will come, who will come will be false.

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Muslims love and revere Prophet Muhammad, God bless him and grant him peace.

Which of the following characterized Sunni Muslims and not Shiite Muslims?

Sunni muslims follow the sunnah of Muhammad (peace be upon him), believed that Muhhammad (PHUH) was the last prophet, and accepted the rule of the umayyads. Shi'a muslims sometimes follow the sunnah (way) of Muhammad (PBUH) but didn't accept the rule of the Umayyads and believed only close friends or relatives of Muhammad (PBUH) should and could rule

Who was god's final prophet according to Muslims?

Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the last and final prophet.

What is the name of 'the prophet' and there god?

The name of Muslims Prophet is Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H their god is Allah

What did Muslims believe Jesus Christ and Muhammad were?

As I see it, the Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but Muhammad was a more recent prophet. But they are very different because Jesus Christ is God, (Titus 2.13), and Muhammad is a prophet that tells of another God, Allah.

Why is Muhammad common name gven to Muslims?

Because Muslims love the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

What is a sentence for Quran?

The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

Is the Torah the prophet for the Muslims?

No. the Torah is the book of laws and the holy book of the Jews. The prophet who revealed the Qur'an for Muslims is Muhammad.