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In Western terminology, the head of a Monastery is called an "Abbot." The Eastern term for "Abbot" is "Igumen;" oddly enough, most Abbots of Eastern Orthodox Monasteries, especially on Mount Athos, are "Archimandrites," a more or less honorary title, which is considered as ranking above an Igumen, but has no specific correlation in Western terminology.

Answer2: The English words "abbot" and "abbey" are both derived from the Aramaic ʼab·baʼʹ. Jerome, the translator of the Latin Vulgate, objected to the use of the title "abbot" as applied to the Catholic monks in his time and did so on the basis that it violated Jesus' instructions at Matthew 23:9: "Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One."

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Q: What is the head of a monastery called?
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What is head of monasteries called?

Men: AbbotWomen: AbbessKnown as an abbot or translated as such.

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The head of a monastery is called an abbot. It starts with the letter a.

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The head monk in a monastery in the Catholic Church would be the Abbot. A recent foundation, or a dependent monastery may only have a prior as its head. Whereas in a big monastery the prior would be the second in charge after the Abbot. If the monastery is big enough there would also be a subprior.

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The deputy head of a monastery is the, "Prior." This is the monk that is in charge after the Abbot. The Abbot is the head of the monastery.

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No, an abbott or abbess is the head of a monastery.

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He is an abbot or protos. You can also have an Archimandrite, who usually leads a group of monks or monasteries. An Abbot is the head of one monastery, as is also sometimes called by the Greek name of "Hegumen" or "Hegumenos." The other Greek title of "protos" means the first.

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Usually a house of monks is lead by a prior or an abbot.

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An Abbot or Archimandrite in a male monastery, and an Abbess or Mother Superior in a female monastery or convent.

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Monastery for monks (males).Nunnery or convent for nuns (females).

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it is called an abbacy