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Well usally 1oC but in 1656 in South Africa it snowed when it was 5oC one morning

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Q: What is the highest temperature rain turns into snow?
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Why doesn't it snow during the summer nor doesn't it rain during the middle of the winter?

It does not snow in summer because it is too hot and it is too cold to rain in winter.

What is temperature at which l rain falls?

Anything above the freezing point, 0* Celsius. Below freezing point, rain turns into snow, sleet, slush or hail.

What would you compare rain to?

Compare rain to hail, sleet, or snow because they are all examples of parcipitation meaning that the are all made from water and fall from the clouds. The only difference is that when it is a certain temperature the rain freezes and turns into hail, sleet, or snow.

What is the converse of if the rain is frozen then turns into snow?

Snow melts turning to water.

How does water change into snow?

When water (or rain) is in an area of a temperature below freezing the molecules contract, or come together, as a reaction. This turns the water into a solid and it becomes snow. Hope that helped. :)

What does soil do with rain and snow?

soil turns the rain into mud puddles and what soil does to the snow it makes the soil turn brown

What happens to rain and snow after storm?

The rain frezes after a few minutes, because it would be cold out with the snow. The snow turns into ice because of the cold.

How does frost get on the ground?

what happens is it rains and the temperature might be low so it might be cold and when it's done raining the rain freezes and turns in to snow

When freezing rain turns into snow this is an example of what?

a physical change

Temperature below freezing means snow?

Snow does occur when temperature is below freezing because snow is just frozen rain . Lets say it rains , and the temperature is below freezing , that rain would become snow . So temperature below freezing means having snow is true .

How does snow form into a flake?

At first when it comes out of the cloud it is rain and it turns to ice and then to snow flakes.

How does rain come in droplet form?

When water evaporates. It goes into the air and into the clouds. When it cools, it falls in water droplets unless the temperature is such that it turns to hail or snow.