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it all started many years ago

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Q: What is the history on stain glass?
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What is the history on stain glass windows?

well it all started way back in the olden days when it invented and all it is is a Piece of colored glass shaped and cut into what you want and nearly all the churches have the window in different pictures and colored glass so there's your short history on stain glass windows and what they are i hope this helped

What is Stain glass potash?

This is a colored glass.

What are the names of people who painted stained glass?

A person working in glass in the middle ages was called a glazier. They didn't "paint" stain glass. Stain glass is a colored glass that is cut to fit a pattern.

How do you stain glass in minecraft?

You go to

Where did stain glass originate?

Coloured glass was widely used in ancient Rome and Egypt.

What influenced kate maestri?

she was influenced by stain glass windows and pretty much glass

Features of a church?

pews and stain glass windows

Who influenced kate maestri?

she was influenced by stain glass

Where is the largest stain glass in Europe?


How do you remove antifreeze stain from glass?

Elbow grease

Why are stain glass windows in churches?

Because back in the days not many people could read, they invented a story in Stain Glass Windows to show what really happened.

Middle ages meterials they use in making stain glass?

Lead, coloring, and glass/sand