

Best Answer

Venus is the hottest planet in our Solar System with a temperature of around 735 K

OGLE-TR-56b is an extrasolar hot Jupiter located approximately 1,500 parsecs away in the constellation of Sagittarius and has a temperature of around 1,973 K

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Q: What is the hottest planet in the galaxy?
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What is the hottest place in the galaxy?

The hottest planet in the galaxy would be venus. This is because it has a layer of posoinous clouds which traps the suns heat.

What is the hottest planet in milky way galaxy?

It is not known, since we don't know all the planets in the galaxy, but in our solar system Mercury is the hottest planet, since it's closest to the sun. The hottest planet in Milky Way would be some planet closest to the biggest and hottest star there is. that is wrong, venus, due to it's hot surface and acid gases and things like that, make it the hottest planet. Mercury has no atmosphere, and Venus has a large CO2 high pressure atmosphere, hence Venus is hotter than Mercury!

Is Venus the hottest planet in the galaxy?

Probably not; we only know of a couple dozen planets or so total, yet the galaxy must have billions if not trillions of planets in it.

Is Mars is the hottest?

No Mars is not the hottest planet. Venus is the hottest planet.

What is the hottest planet including the sun?

The sun is not a planet, its a star but the hottest planet is venus but if the sun was a planet ,it would be the hottest.

What planet is hottest in our system?

The planet Venus is the hottest planet in our Solar System

What is the fifth hottest planet?

Jupiter is the fifth hottest planet.

Why is Neptune the hottest planet?

Neptune is not the hottest planet, Venus is.

What is the hottest planet in your Solar Sistem?

the hottest planet is venus

What is the hottest-planet in solar sytyem?

venus is the hottest planet

Is venus the coldest planet or the hottest planet?

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.

IS Mercury the hottest planet in your solar system?

no venus is the hottest planet .no