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If DNA wasn't copied before cell reproduction, after the cells divide they would only have half the DNA that the original cell had.

And since we need all our DNA to tell the rest of the cell how to carry out all functions, with only half the DNA, a cell would shut down.

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13y ago
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15y ago

DNA is considered to be sex determining factor and also determines the characters and behaviours of a person. Therefore, in order to identify the hereditary traits of a person, DNA copying is mandatory

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15y ago

DNA duplication, or DNA replication is essential for cell division and growth. Two copies of the genome have to be created before cells divide. This illustrates the importance of DNA replication.

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13y ago

Cell reproduction is indeed very dependent on DNA-copying.

And example to illustrate the importance:

Cell A has 46 chromosomes (22 pairs of normal chromosomes + 2 sex-chromosomes (either XY or XX).

This cell wants to duplicate - it does this by mitosis. When Cell A has finished mitosis two identical daughter cells will be generated. Now, if Cell A did not duplicate its DNA during mitosis, the two daughter-cells will have to split the 46 chromosomes giving each 23 chromosomes.

Next, one of the daughter chromosomes wants to divide. Again, it does this by mitosis. If no DNA-duplications is observed, the two daughters cells produced by this devision will have to divide the 23 chromosomes giving each 12½.

And so forth.

It is now easy to see why DNA duplication is essential in cell reproduction.

In NORMAL mitosis DNA is duplicated in a process called DNA replication. This is done during the S-phase of mitosis. Here the 46 chromosomes are copied very very precisely to 92 chromosomes (46x2). These 92 chromosomes are then divided to the two daughter cells which then each receive the standard amount of 46 chromosmes.

Note that during another type of cell devision - meiosis - the end result is cells containing no more than 23 chromosomes. This, however, is for another question.

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11y ago

dna in the cell nucleus is the infrmatn source for making protiens. a basic event in reproductn is the creatn of a dna copy. the consistency of dna copying during reprdctn is important for the maintenance of body design features that allow the organism to use that particular niche.

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11y ago

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material found in the chromosomes

, which are present in the nucleus of a cell. The DNA is the information site for making proteins and each specific type of protein leads to a specific type of body design.

Thus, it is the DNA molecule that determines the body design of an individual. Therefore, it can be concluded that it is the DNA that gets transferred from parents to offsprings and makes them look similar.

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12y ago

since dna holds the genetic code that makes us what we are, dna copying enable our body to reproduce new cells from old ones as well as reproducing the next generation.

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13y ago

actually, copying someone's DNA is not an essential part of process....

if you used to copy someone's DNA you are in a process of cloning.

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How does DNA reproduction take place?

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The result of variations DNA copying is that the DNA copies generated will be similar but not identical to the original

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What is the purpose of copying DNA?

The purpose of copying DNA is that, after mitosis, each daughter cell each has a complete set of DNA and is genetically identical.

Who showed that new DNA is made from copying the old DNA?

Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl show how new DNA is made by copying the old.

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Nuclear transfer

What is the importance of DNA replication in the cell reproduction?

DNA replication is significant in the reproduction of cells through the mechanisms of mitosis and meiosis. The DNA replicates so that there will be an extra DNA when the cell multiplies, allowing the "daughters" the chance to reproduce. DNA replication is significant in the reproduction of cells through the mechanisms of mitosis and meiosis. The DNA replicates so that there will be an extra DNA when the cell multiplies, allowing the "daughters" the chance to reproduce.